
Emmaline | Emmy

What’s the longest you’ve been single?

Grac3fulBella86’s Profile PhotoJaiBella
i think...longest was about almost 3 years when i was still in highschool. i never was one of the girls in highschool that had a highschool sweetheart and stayed in that relationship cause my 1st one in 9th grade kept trying to keep me away from my two friends and being a dipshit about it. revealing after i had some help breaking up with him he came off he didnt give a shit about me. dated a month in seinor year and sadly come to realize that he would still be in school while im out of school and see it wouldnt work out. i would of stayed in that relationship if we were still in school together but hhh. complicated. but thats what i remember how long i was single one time. i know when i broke up with my last one was about a year.

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What’s the longest you’ve been single?

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