

Ask @antidem

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Who are your top five bands of the 1970s?

In no particular order:
Fleetwood Mac
The Bee Gees
The Ramones
Pink Floyd

http://ask.fm/antidem/answers/136512047041 Your claim that "The West" requires Christianity as an integral (you mean leading) element of 'genuine' rightism invokes weight of numbers and relative popularity in extremis. Maybe in the U.S. How do either of those things apply to, say, France or England?

1) No, I mean integral. Christianity is a load-bearing structure within the edifice of Western civilization. Pull that away, and down it comes.
2) What do you mean "How do they apply to France or England"? Do they have television where you live? If so, then turn it on and see for yourself how those countries are doing now that they've so proudly declared themselves "post-Christian". So far as I can see, "post-Christian" European society involves a bunch of limp-wristed white atheists getting pushed around by Muslims. (How do you like that new mayor in London, BTW?) Color me unimpressed.
3) Europe is the faith. The faith is Europe. The idea that Europe can long continue to exist without the faith is delusion, and the truth of that can be seen on your television screen. Reconvert or die - not just as an individual, but as a nation, a society, a culture. This is the command not of some scarlet-robed cardinal, but of reality.

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stop complaining about the Left, man. itS annoying. leave them alone. talk about your ideas, expose them, instead of complaining about your enemies. i don't understand why every reactonary keeps talking about the Left. ''lefists are bad'', ''leftists are stupid''. Leftists don't even care about you.

You *do* realize that Wordpress and YouTube are free, right? So if you don't like the content I create with them, you have every chance to go create content of your own that says the things you want said.

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Why the surprise at the Pope's latest comments? Don't you realize that he has hordes of non-whites to pander to? Aren't the fedora's right about your tired and increasingly third-world Church?

Fedoras and neo-pagans who strut around telling the rest of the right that Christians had better know their place in the movement are like those blacks who scream for race war, apparently having never seen a census or figuring out that they're not just 13% of the population, but they're the 13% that nobody else likes, so if the race war ever really does start, they're shit out of luck.
So please, stop LARPing and get a clue: Here in reality, nothing genuinely rightist will ever get anywhere in the West without Christianity as an integral part of it and without large numbers of Christians on board. If you believe otherwise, then say hi to Mr. Roarke for me, because you're living on Fantasy Island.

Is Disney's "Beauty and the Beast," an NRx classic?

Boycott Disney. They want to poz your kids.

Was season 2 of Fargo pozzed?

Short story: No.
Longer story: A blog post on that very subject will be inbound soon. It would actually be up now if I hadn't had to give its slot in my writing schedule to the Chernobyl post in order to have it up anytime even close to the 30th anniversary of the disaster.
Next month I'll have two solid weeks off from my day job, and I plan to devote the entire thing to writing. Expect a lot of productivity on the blog and YouTube channel then.

Where is NRx going, if it is going anywhere at all?

I think NRx is over, but it's over in the same sense that GamerGate is over - not in defeat, but in a sort of victory through absorption into something bigger. GamerGate as a movement in and of itself is dead, but its ideas have been absorbed into fandom such that it is now not beyond the pale to stick one's thumb in the eyes of SJW interlopers. Similarly, NRx's best ideas have been absorbed by the broader alt-right - ideas like monarchy and aristocracy are now safely on the table in respectable alt-right philosophical circles, and no longer considered mere relics of an age consigned forever to the past by the inevitable march of history.
Like Pheidippides falling over dead after delivering the message of the Athenian victory at Marathon, both GamerGate and NRx can fade out having accomplished their missions.

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Liked by: ...........

Are Saiyans honorary Aryans?

Put down the shit-tier animu and start watching Legend of Galactic Heroes, fam. Your Kaiser awaits!

@HerpMcDerpinson -- Oh dear. This type of neckbeard makes the result of an online personality test ("INTJ") the core of his identity. "Atheist" and "Free thinker"... Yeah, dude.

Ever notice how "free thinkers" all end up thinking the exact same things in unbreakable lockstep?
Liked by: Ian

Why do so many on the altright idolize Jack Donavan when his idea of the mannerbund is actually gay and would include homos

The difference between Jack Donovan's mannerbund and Warg Franklin's mannerbund is that Donovan is self-aware and honest enough to tell you up front that his version will lead to you having homosexual experiences.

Get rid of this wacky teenager middle class puritan hatred of Islam. The very fact I'm a Christian doesn't mean I should hate all other religions. It's not a good move when one is studying Comparative Religion.

Liked by: Henry Gloucester

I'm not saying that I agree 100% with the Islamic doctrine, because there are several aspects in Islam I sincerely despise.


I'm not a Muslim, but I really admire Islam. Islam is not a religion. It's a whole civilization that unified and civilized thousands of barbarian tribes preventing a lot of social injustices from happening. it also contributed to science, math, arquitecture, mystic, poetry, literature, culture,music


Is Daenerys Targaryen essentially just Samantha Power with a nice tush?

I certainly hope not. As a traditionalist, my sympathies incline towards a Targaryen restoration. That said, and must to the dismay of many of my fellow reactionaries, I am not a romantic when it comes to the government. The government is just another corporation with a role to fulfill (though I far prefer one based on the "family business" model on which monarchy operates to the "joint-stock company" model of democracy), and the King is just another guy with a job to do. As long as he does it reasonably well (I do not, of course, expect absolute perfection), then everything will be fine. In the event that he becomes intolerable due to corruption, incompetence, or degeneracy, I have no problem with dragging him off his throne - to exile on some small island if possible, or to the guillotine if need be.
Sorry to all the monarchist romanticists out there caught up in the majesty of metal hats and ermine coats, but I'm a child of the Reagan era, and if I was the sort of person who was inclined to get weepy about the government, it would be in the standard American conservative way of going on and on about muh stars and stripes, muh founding fathers, and muh constitution. I'm afraid, however, that any such inclination has been long drained out of me.
So one cheer for Queen Daenerys. Long may she reign... as long as she doesn't get *too* out of hand.

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Liked by: Cato The Bechtloff

Is "mannerbund" a codeword for "friends"?

It's more than that. It's your wolfpack of totally alpha bros. That changes everything. By yourself, you might be a socially awkward, low-T autistic nerd, but your mannerbund comes together to form one solid shield wall of manliness, which will make females swoon and make the kids who used to give you swirlies in the boys room back in high school fall at your feet and beg forgiveness.
Of course, it all starts with hierarchy - that's what makes it different from mere friendship, which is for peasants and lumpenproles. We know that young men need to be taught how to be real men by strong, authoritative older males, and that to do that, the older male needs to have a position of authority within the mannerbund. In other words, older men need to be on top, and younger men need to be on bottom. This is a key part of the mannerbund strategy as stated by its advocates: for example, if there's anything that comes across loud and clear in Warg Franklin's writing, it's the degree to which he desperately wants to be topped by Jim Donald.
Once you've become a full-fledged member of the mannerbund, then your totally alpha bros can help you accomplish far more than you ever could on your own. For example: They can come along and stand by your side when you stop women to question them about whether they'd be suitable wife material, and they can also bail you out of jail after you get arrested for harassment. They can log into your Minecraft server and help you build the ultimate Mannerbund Castle, of which you are, of course, unquestioned sovereign lord and where can use the Mandate of Heaven to allocate status to your bros directly. They can get drunk together, because everyone knows that getting drunk all the time is what being a grownup is all about.
Yes, the heart of the mannerbund idea is giving you the chance to be more than you can on your own, so if you're the kind of guy who won't ever be very much on your own, then the mannerbund is for you. One guy who can't figure out how to make people like or respect him or how to accomplish the goals he sets for himself may be weak, but together, twenty guys who can't figure out how to make people like or respect them or how to accomplish the goals they set for themselves will form a mighty force that will make the world tremble.
And no, you pleb, saying that a committee of people trying to accomplish a goal together is necessarily better than an individual building himself up to the point where he can accomplish it on his own isn't demotism because... well, because it just fucking isn't, okay?

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What was your favorite episode of DuckTales?

I really liked the opening miniseries "Treasure of the Golden Suns". "Catch As Cash Can" is another good multi-parter. Also, basically any episode with Magica De Spell because June Foray is the shizznit.
Liked by: Ian

Any thoughts on this piece of subhuman shit? http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/05/10/harvard-prof-urges-liberals-treat-evangelical-christians-like-nazis/

I appreciate his honesty. I would much rather that leftists have said these things all along, instead of spending decades deceiving people by pretending that what they want is peace, free speech, pluralism, fair play, and tolerance.
And no, the left does not actually want (nor is it really capable of) tolerance, as Stefan Molyneux explains here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bacLg-SNXPoantidem’s Video 138003951041 bacLg-SNXPoantidem’s Video 138003951041 bacLg-SNXPo


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