

Ask @archmazen

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لو قالت لك من تحب يوما .. ويرحل منا زمان الأمان.... فأشتاق من راحتيك الحنان وأحمل قلبي كطفل جريح.... يصارعه الشيب قبل الأوان وأصبح بعدك لحنا عجوزا شقي الزمان غريب المكان وتبقى وحدك فوق الزمان وتبقى عيونك احلى مكان ركبت سيارتها وبكت وذهبت الى غير رجعة هل تنساها حتى لو هرمت. ؟

اعتقد لا
Liked by: الختيار

Lets say that you are a billionare what would you do?

- i’ll build up mosque
- i’ll go for Haj and Aumra
- Travel all over the world
- Build my own company “Architecture Field”
Thats it for now

I wanna ask you something related to architecture, and i dont wanna communicate here

Aha okay ... arch.ms

Hahaha Thank you ^-^ Say, if you want amy help with your work let me know 😉😂

Ur welcome ... Hahahaha yea sure u too aked 😃😃

Actually No, Now I am an official Interior Architect/Interior Designer.. I wish I did choose Architecture 5 years ago.. 😞 Dont get me wrong, I love my major but I wish I entered the more challenging field then minored in Interior Design.. Oh well, No point of regretting things now I guess..

Yeaaa after 5 years 3aaaaa 😅😂 so now i'll tell you congratulations and welcome to my world ! 😂😂😂
Liked by: Sara

Guess what.. I got a good grade on my graduation project 😄😄 Just thought I should share the good news with you 😁

Ouhh really 😃😍 yaaaaaaaayyy congratulations 😃 ur nw official architect 😃 , so nw we have to work together 😃😝

Okay you always check up on me so now its my turn, how are you?!! 😄 How is life going on with you?! :D

Hahahaha mashii 😃 .. Am okayy elhamdullahh ... My life !!! Ummmm its nothing really just the ugly routine !!

Qeshta 👌 Im taking ur word for it 😀

Eshta ✌🏻️haha thats my honor 😊😊 and if u need smth just give me shout 😃✋🏻

wow my faith in Google sketch up is now restored! 😍😂

Hahahaha yea its amazing program for the architects 😍 rather than 3D max 😐 ... Go for sketchup 👍🏻😍

You r very good mashaa2 Allah 😍 Is that Vray with 3d max?

Thank u soo much 🙈 ... Hahaha noooo vray sketchup 😍 thats why am telling u forget the 3D max nw 😃

أنا ضميرك .... بقالنا كتير متكلمناش :D السؤال دا اتسألي من 11 يوم .. انت اللي سألته ؟؟ :D

Hahahahaa we law dameery ! Ana has2all nafsii leeh ?!! :D :P


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