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Какие ошибки других ты можешь и готов(а) прощать бесконечно? Или прощение не предусматривает слово ‘бесконечность’?

id81297005’s Profile PhotoЕкатерина Чугуева
in order for someone to deserve forgiveness, he must first admit his guilt, realize what he has done, repent of this act, atone for his guilt, and only then can he count on forgiveness. This is the principle of European justice. I believe that this is applicable within the framework of human relations. It makes no sense to forgive everyone in a row just like that, a person who has committed meanness will never change if he does not realize that he needs to correct himself so that the people around him communicate with him the way it was before.
Какие ошибки других ты можешь и готова прощать бесконечно Или прощение не
Liked by: Gilbert Thomas

ты принципиальный человек или готов(а) идти на компромиссы? ✊🏻

you are confusing wet with salty.
The ability to compromise has nothing to do with adherence to principles, compromise is the ability to negotiate concessions, and adherence to principles is the ability to stand up for your values in life. But upholding your principles does not contradict the ability to negotiate a compromise as a result of communicating with other people.
ты принципиальный человек или готова идти на компромиссы

Любишь носить какие нибудь побрекухи на руках, например кольца или браслеты?

Makashima1994’s Profile PhotoMakashima
besides piercing, I wear rings on my fingers and toes, I wear bracelets on my arms and legs, I wear a necklace and a diadem.
Любишь носить какие нибудь побрекухи на руках например кольца или браслеты

Если бы тебе оставалось жить 6 минут,какую песню ты бы послушал(-а) на последок?

AnnabelPoe’s Profile PhotoAnnabel Lee Poe
This question is not entirely correct, because it has nothing to do with me.
I wrote many times that I am immortal, this is the truth, and not a figure of speech or a joke.
Therefore, it makes no sense to ask me about something that, in principle, cannot happen to me.
Not only will I not die of old age, or disease, or poisoning, but even physically hurting me is hard enough.
so it's hard for me to answer your question regarding music.
Если бы тебе оставалось жить 6 минуткакую песню ты бы послушала на последок


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