

Latest answers from Its_angel311

Why am I still thinking of my ex? I’ve been together with my boyfriend for nearly 9 months already and I still have the urge to text or call my ex. I see him online sometimes and I just want him to want me/text me. Help me

Whyd yall break up ina first place ? ?

Whats one thing you would hate ur gf/bf to do?

Doja_Caaaat’s Profile PhotoAnnonymous
Ask to go wit his friends when we specifically planned to hang out that day jus the two of us ?‍♀️

TICKLE QUIZ: 1: Are you ticklish? 2: What’s your worst tickle spot? 3: From 1/10 how ticklish are your feet? 4: What color is your toenail polish? 5: Last time you were tickled? 6: If you could tickle anyone, who? 7: Dare to take the tickle challenge? Reply “I Dare” for rules.

R u the tickle monster or sum ??? ?

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