@badu1234#31 🇧🇷

El Baduíto

Ask @badu1234

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Who has had an impactful or rewarding impact in your life? How have they changed you or your perspective? (I.e. parent, sibling, friend, pastor, teacher, relative, coach, etc.)

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMaryCeleste
My mom.
She never abandoned me, even when I made mistakes or didn't deserve her help.
She has always been by my side, she is the person I love most in the world.
Liked by: MaryCeleste

What holds people back from pursuing their goals/dreams? What would you tell them to combat this obstacle?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMaryCeleste
Hmmm it really depends on the situation.
Some people are unable to achieve their dreams because they do not have the financial means.
I would tell them to never give up because one day this financial opportunity may appear (something like this has happened to me).
Liked by: MaryCeleste

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Se foi uma pessoa que me fez bem no passado, aceitaria sim.
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К сожалению, я никогда не пробовала драконий фрукт.
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