

Ask @bcoates

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You're perfect! Love you big sis❤️ Kik me?

Hi Hayley!:) I love you too lil sis ❤️ and okay, I'm just doing something quickly I will in 5 minutes.
Liked by: cxxx

do u love jake?

Want my honest answer? Then, yes I do love Jake. Now before I get questions of "how can you love someone so quick" a lot of people mistaken love as a decision when it's really a feeling and I feel that way towards jake .

do u think having a daughter at such a young age is bad or good?

It really depends on the parent. It would be bad if the parent neglected their child. It's also bad when the parent thinks that doing drugs and drinkin alcohol while pregnant is okay, when it's really not. Being a good parent is quitting all the bad habits in order to have a healthy baby, and knowing they are prepared is good. Most of all, if they're loving and caring it's good.
Liked by: cxxx

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stop following Morgan you are not her holy fucks what's next smoking a pack a day too and the baby coming out dead just like Morgans will.?

Pardon me? How am I following Morgans footsteps in any way, I already smoke. Do you think that Morgan planned on being pregnant? No she didn't, you act like you know everything about her when you don't. If I ever got pregnant it wouldn't be following her footsteps because there is lots of people in this world he become pregnant do you think they followed every pregnant women's footsteps? Lay off of Morgan and me. You're pathetic, get off anon. Pussy ;)

It's true though, they really must have no life or good part about them. It's disgusting. LOL. Maybe they swallowed the good part xD

Hope they choked on it xDD
Liked by: Jake Kay

What are some things that make you really happy?

My mom she's so supportive of me and my boyfriend he's so perfect ❤️

I hope you get knocked up you stupid bitchhh so I can hate on you like I do Morgan

And if I ever get pregnant, go right the fuck ahead. Just like Morgan no fucks would be given.

do you believe in abortons?

Abortions* and absolutely not, everything happens for a reason, I don't believe in taking a life. I think of it this way of my mom would of aborted me I wouldn't be here.

PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE FUCKING KIDDING. If you're going to hate on ME, then come to MY ask. NOT Brittanes lol.. I'm glad I make you sick(: Atleast I have the BALLLS to keep my daughter and raise her. Unlike you pathetic cunts who would have aborted. TIME TO GROW UP PLS

YESS MORGAN but that's fine they wanna hate me for my opinion on your ask let them. I don't give a fuck about their opinions!

So if u got pregnant you would be proud wtf

Sorry? Maybe not at first no, I wouldn't be proud on what age I am but that doesn't mean I'm not capable of a child, if us girls shouldn't have children we shouldn't of gotten a thing we call our period at such a young age. Your body makes you ready for a baby and if I ever got pregnant id do the same as Morgan, keep the baby and love my baby and wouldn't give her/him up.

Morgan makes me sick by keeping that thing she calls her daughter

Sorry, but it shouldn't concern you. This is Morgans child not yours she's carrying a baby in her not you. Her life, her decisions. As for a "thing" Morgans child is not a thing, that's her child a beautiful baby girl who is soon to be arriving. You're pathetic get outta here.


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