

Ask @bcoates

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i like stories tell more

Me and my close friend went over to a friends house almost every night to get high, we would bring our pillows and blankets and walk around at 10 with blankets and pillows to get to my friends house. We knew that we'd probably pass out there.anyways we got there and got so high that me and my friend sat there singing in Japanese we would talk in British accents and call eachother pretty and shit. We attempted to take a selfie and saw our selves in the camera, we thought it was our twins, so we sat there and talked to my phone for about a half an hour, looking like a bunch of idiots in front of my other friend. Everytime id get high I would talk about Dora and think I was driving a car, bigger idiot moment. Anyways so me and my friend would pass out at our friends house and I would set an alarm for 6:00am to get back home before my mom went to work considering my mom always thought I was sleeping over at my friends house but we'd actually go out and get high. (Rebels) xD. Anyways so me and my friend would look like total idiots carrying blankets and pillows in the daylight. And when I got home we would just stay at home all day and sleep and then get high again the next night and repeat it over and over again.

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what about a drunk story?

Like the last story jazmin is included in this one too, because me and jazmin do everything together
Anyways we found vodka in my moms stash, jazmin and I thought it would be a good idea to fill up water bottles with vodka and drink them. We sat at a park with 2 large water bottles and chugged them right down. We ended up walking through a broken fence, I ended up eating shit from doing a face plant, we thought it would be a good idea to go to the mall drunk. I ended up seeing a girl I knew and talked to her while jazmin and I walked through the mall cursing at everything, and fucking with people. And surprisingly jazmin and I didn't get kicked out of the mall. Considering we knocked things over in stores and we ended up making ourselves look like total idiots so we were told by the girl I fucked around with named Sara Sinclair .

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tell a story about you being drunk or high

Well it was my first time getting high, and I was with my friends Jazmin, Hunter, And john. We went to johns house I had my first bowl, and ended up having 4.. Anyways, at first I didn't feel anything and I thought it was a complete waste of time smokin something that didn't even get me high. So I decided I was going to go home, jazmin and I ran across a busy road and as soon as we started walking down this side street I felt the high, I stood under a street light and asked jazmin if my eyes were okay, but my eyes were redder than ever. I ended up getting dizzy, I got the feeling that jazmin was there but she wasn't. I was confused and tripped out bad. We walked down nipigon street and jazmin asked for a smoke I ended up giving her and john all my smokes from my pack. As for hunter he had to hold my hand the whole way home, and as for jazmin I ended up licking her neck telling her she tasted like popcorn chicken from KFC. Anyways later on that night we entered Rideau where John wasn't supposed to be in, we were all pretty high so jazmin and hunter saw the cops and john booked it out of Rideau. The cops approached hunter and jazmin and asked them if they knew john. So hunter ended up replying with "naw man never seen him in my life" as jazmin stood there giggling I went home and was freaking out because I thought my mom was home, luckily for me she wasn't. In the morning I flipped out because I had no smokes.

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If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?

I'd write a book about grilled cheese.. And it would be called "the haunting of grilled cheese" it would be about a girl who is obsessed with grilled cheese, she got so addicted she started getting haunted, and at the end she would defeat all the grilled cheese by eating it all :)

@jugalsgandhi yes sweetie. I maybe a random for you. But cant we be good friends? :) actually i like making new friends. So i asked you to add me on fb cz i feel a lil awkward to chat on ask.fm. So please will you add me? Trust me. I wont disturb you like other guys.

I'd rather not.

Well Since I Got His Feelings What's Yours?:/

Jake is perfect. I like when he cuddles me, it makes me warm and comfy and it makes me feel like I'm safe in his arms not to mention I never want him to let go. He a very funny guy, and he has a great personality. I like that were able to pick on eachother in a teasing matter. And I like when I look at him and get butterflies and usually I either smile at him or laugh because he's so cute :$:) but jake is just perfect, and I wouldn't want him to ever change.:))
Liked by: Jake Kay

I Think Jakes Love You

Well if he does he does if he doesn't he doesn't. Like I said I don't know how jake feels.

Look At Me I Can Caps Every Word I Type. I Am Mentally Superior To All. I Am Nosy Anon Hear My Beef.

Pls Dun H8 On Anon :,(

Does He Love you?

I didn't quite get that far. Why are you asking me if he loves me dafuq like yeass anon I know how jake feels cuz I'm a superhero
Liked by: Jake Kay


Language: English