

Ask @briceicebaby

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What's the sweetest robot of all time?

Wall-E seemed like an actual sweet personality if a robot can have one. Lol Terminator is sweet as in sweet/cool/badass. Depends on what you mean by sweet.

What was the funniest auto correct mistake you've experienced?

I turned autocorrect off pretty quickly. Lol I'm usually pretty good at spelling anyway so I'd just rather type things out than go through any awkward autocorrect situation.

Are you romantic? Why or why not?

To a degree. Lol I'll be romantic if things are established but if you come out of the gate doing those big "rom com" romantic gestures with someone you've barely every expressed interest in then it comes off creepy or desperate.

What should you wear for a first date?

Depends on the specifics of the date I guess? Lol I'd say not too casual but not full dress clothes. Unless you're going to a place that requires your best?

Were you ever ashamed because of your past?

Eh,I've done things I wish I hadn't but so have most people. I'm not hung up on it.

What do you normally eat for breakfast?

If I can I sleep past breakfast. Lol If I can't though I'd have bacon,toast,sausage. Maybe cereal if I'm in the mood for something lighter.

What can really impress you?

Musical talent. Lol I'm a shitty musician so when I see people who are really good and practiced at it,I'm impressed.


Language: English