
Bronik youngman

Ask @bronik_

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Are you friends with Sam,Ryan,Harry

Probably not haven't spoke or chilled with them for time they sorta relate to my last answer on true mates,because they are the sorta boys who only chill or speak to me when they run there mouths and get themselves in beef which they usually do a lot so i don't really know at the moment aha

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Who are your true mates

'True mates' does that even exist?everyone these days are two faced and are different around other people ,I've found growing up that most of my mates have only hanged around with me because I'm stupid enough to have there back with anyone and stick up for them when there beefing which I've found they usually get out of the situation and I get stuck in it but that's just how I've been thinking about my mates before myself the only boys that I can think would do this for me are ,bobby ,jay, Luke.s , Luke.c and maybe peanut I may be mistaken but the list I would give out for my best mates and true mates in my opinion are totally different I'll find now left school who are my true mates because they will be the ones to stick with me through no matter what friends like this are hard to find💯💯💯

Who you datin?. Xx

I'm single and ready to mingle😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😇😇😇😇😇
Liked by: Donna


Language: English