
your worst nightmare

Ask @channttii

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Where are you at the moment?

My theory worked, ask.fm you need to sort your clocks out:3
I'm in bed, yay

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Yep totally gay aren't I, and other anon I looked at her instagram just now and their are hardly any of her legs. You've lost weight well done you not implying anything there just being kind :3 <3

Awwh. Exactly:3
Hehe, thank you:3 <3

can you stop posting pictures of your legs on instagram, we get it you lost a lot of weight and have an amazing figure. you can stop now

I haven't posted any of just my legs in ages?
I'm happy I've lost weight so if I want to show it off I will, just saying.
If you really do have a problem though, there is an unfollow button
Thank you for the compliment though.

Thank you doesn't help when an anon thinks this is for attention look at my profile, I'll whatsapp or text you tomorrow if you like. Love you thank you for helping :) <3

Stupid anons. Okay:-) you too <3

No I have never told anyone until now I don't really want sympathy I just want someone to be there if it all goes wrong again, pretty much I just want you to be there if it all goes wrong <3

I will be here, don't worry <3

What do you mean not everyone realises? <3

You say it's hard when people ask but they don't always realise what's happened do they <3

You're the sweetest girl ever it's so hard though especially when people mention my dad they always say how come I never see your dad and I just start crying it's horrible but hey I've got you eh just to keep me smiling, love you. You can post this one <3

But not everyone realises eh?
I know it's horrible and I know it's hard I really do and I'm always here for you.
Love you <3

Ok I'll send you a question I don't want you posting it on here just read it and send me a question of your reply


I can't right now but I will in the morning will be early unless you dont mind a really long question on here ? <3

Whichever is easier

Aww no it's fine I was kinda bugging you, but hey it might have been bad but not as bad mine seriously though I found out some bad things today <3

Whatsapp me? <3

God but also as she said how would you feel if you knew what was going on but you obviously don't so please leave it really upset me when I saw what was happening so just leave ke and her alone. <3

^^ <3

Seriously all this about who was doing what it's none of your fucking business just leave her alone if your going to ask about something I wrote say it to me. <3

^^ <3

Hmm, but then again it might not be about you which is good!! Xxxx

Doesn't mean I'm not trying to. Ahh well, shit happens x x x


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