
your worst nightmare

Ask @channttii

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Awwh thank you:3 x

Would you prefer a guy to have some pubes or no pubes if you were doing something with him?

Idk, none probably

Hahah, you love people with aids. Perhaps you should get with him and you can join in with sharing the STD's

Will do:))

Andrew, fuck off you reject with STD's, licking peoples blood and fucking retards.. spastic.

You fuck off, I love Andy.

liess.. because i know who you did fancy at the time, you just wont' admit it!

You can't if I didn't like anyone? Ahahah
I'd admit it if I did but I really didn't so byeee:))

well, who did you fancy in year 5 and 6? .. just wondering aha, i didn't even go to you're primary school so yee..

No one ahah, I never liked anyone till year 7


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