
your worst nightmare

Ask @channttii

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Oh and the girl I was just going to ask out now has a bf

That doesn't matter at all, it may seem the end of the world now but everything gets better. The guy I loved more than anything left me for another girl, that broke my heart more than I could ever begin to explain, but I'm over him now and things are starting to look up:-)

I'm healthy, my family is never around, I have 3 friends max and with the world the way it is the future looks shit

I only have three friends:)) myles, George and Amba.
Everything always works out, you will be happy and if you're not, it's not the end

But it's just life is so shit at the moment :(

Think about it. Is it really?
You're healthy, you have family, friends who all love and care about you,you have the future to look forward to. The future is what you stay for, everything will get better, they can and they will

That's really good advice :) kind helped me a little bit

Thank you. Please don't hesitate to Facebook me if you need, I'm always here

I thought you cut? In your picture I can't see any cuts

You reckon I'd post a picture where you'd be able to see them? Lol, no, leave.

What would you say to someone considering self harm?

Please, don't.
Flash forward to maybe a couple of months, think about how your body will be all scarred, all mutilated. Think how you won't be able to look at yourself without crying, or think about how you will have to cover up all summer so no one knows. Could you do that? Could you live with yourself looking like that? Could you live with perhaps feeling like you have to harm yourself each day just to live?
Self harm is not a way out, it's not a good thing, it opens a whole load of other doors you dont want to have as an option in life, it's not something you want. Whatever you're thinking of doing it with: a blade, deodorant, maybe you're just going to scratch yourself. Don't you even dare, put it down, put your headphones in, lay down and listen to music, cry maybe, sleep. Self harm is not the answer to anything.

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