

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Steve, have you played any Werrd yoyos and did you like them?

Sure, they make nice stuff. Stu is a dear friend! -Steve

I know many aren't happy about this, but I don't mind that your yoyos ship with a flat 10 ball. Seems perfectly adequate to me.

Yep. It's a fine little bearing, but there is absolutely no bearing on this planet that is good enough to avoid someone finding a reason to complain about it. ;) -Steve
Liked by: GN Yoyo Co

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Steve. I have read your comments about not making signature return top for you. But I think you have and will have a big imprint on CLYW as a company and you are such a seasoned player. Yoyos should not be only about contests a trophies and team. I would love to see Steve Brown CLYW.

I'm not ruling it out, but I'm not interested anytime in the forseeable future. There is a lot of tremendous talent on the team that deserves signature models, and I am dead last on that list. -Steve

I just threw a regular ct in my puffin 2 and the bearing was quiet. It bounced on the end of the string a bit (the yoyo) and the bearing became louder. 1. Should I worry about this? 2. I like regular ct's but will the flat 10 ball perform better/be quieter?

1. No. Bearings make noise. If it's too noisy for you, hit it with a drop of very light lube.
2. The performance difference between a CT and a flat 10-ball is noticeable, but it's mostly to do with flat vs centering. Totally preference. -Steve
Liked by: max fabiszewski

Why aren't Michael and Zach in caribou rendezvous?

Not sure. I'm guessing that Chuck just couldn't wrangle them to get some filming done. Worlds is a really crazy time for everyone...hard to lock people down! -Steve

Steve, in the yoyo world, you are considered the godfather of the counterweight style. Who have been your favorite performers and players to watch (that are involved in counterweight) over the years?

Shingo Terada, Miguel Correa, Sterling Quinn, Makoto Numagami, Rafael Matsunaga, Tyler Severance, Drew Tetz, Jon Rob, Chris Neff....there are so many! I'm grateful to everyone who has ever picked up the style, and I appreciate everyone's contributions.
I created the style, but it wouldn't be anything without the players. Thanks to all 5A players everywhere for that one. :) -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck

What if there were colourways under colourways... So the colours only come out and peek through when damage occurs?

I know Mark Montgomery did a kind of cool thing like that with (I think) the Markmont Next, where he did an indigo coating of some kind that wore away with use and had black or something underneath...or maybe it was the other way around? I remember it looked really cool, and I asked him about it recently and he said it was super hard to do, and that they couldn't get anyone to make it for them anymore. Bummer! -Steve

Will there be more Fools Gold available soon? Would love a Puffin 2 just don't have the cash for new ones, and the used ones are still out of reach some.

I'm getting engraving sorted out soon on everything I have here, but probably not going to do a big sale until after the New Year. -Steve

If I wanted to accompany CLYW to a contest and help sell product (say at pnwr or worlds), would that be a possibility?

We very rarely run a sales booth at contests and when we do, one of our own folks handle that. Thanks for offering to help, though! Much appreciated. -Steve

Hey Steve, what happened to the Cleveland yoyo club?

Zach Morris
Brandon moved away, and I haven't had any spare time to put into it. Augie really wants to get it moving again, as do I...we just need to make some time to make that happen. The folks at the Case Western Juggling Club have kindly offered to host, but I need to get in touch with them and make that happen. It's all just a matter of having time to deal with it, and lately I haven't. -Steve

I tuned my Puffin 2 in order to make it a bit smoother. I was wondering if it would damage the return top or negatively affect in it any way to change the side that the axle and bearing was on (ex: side 1 had axle, side 2 had bearing. This changed to: side 1 has bearing, side 2 has axle)?

Anytime you completely disassemble a return top and then reassemble it differently, you run the risk of adding variables that could impact play. You could get something lodged inside the threading, you could ship off a tiny pit of the threading, you should damage the bearing seat, you could do any number of things wrong that yes, could affect play.
Generally speaking, exercise caution and common sense and you should be fine. -Steve

When will you guys put up more cabin tutorials? And I heard Jensen is no longer a part of the team does that mean he won't be a part of the tutorials anymore?

Jensen hasn't been part of the "team" for a while. He's a friend and collaborator, but he prefers to do it on his own terms and we're pretty good with that.
He will definitely continue to be part of the Cabin Tutorials, as long as he wants to be. -Steve
Liked by: McNelly

I hope this isn't a stupid question, but are you sponsored, Steve? I know you work for CLYW, but that may not mean you are sponsored by them. I know there is (or at least was) someone working at Yoyofactory that is sponsored by CLYW.

No, I am not technically sponsored. I'm an employee of CLYW, and Chris hooks me up with whatever gear I ask for...but mostly I keep myself to beating up b-grades and would rather send a-grade product to retailers or the actual team.
I'm pretty happy with this arrangement. It lets me focus on my strengths without feeling pressure to still be a public "player". With all the work I have to do, I don't have time to keep up with much practice! -Steve

So since the second run puffin 2's have a flat 10 ball in them, if I replace it with a regular center trac (not ctx) will it damage it in any way or negatively affect the return top?

Nope, it will not damage or hurt anything. -Steve

Steve, what colourway does your face turn when people incessantly ask about colourways? Do you think you could do your face in Hulksmash?

I don't get bent out of shape about it, although I definitely don't get it. I've always preferred solid colors, and will generally pick grey or clear ano over just about anything else. I'm pretty boring when it comes to my personal throws...although part of that is because I absolutely destroy them. Why waste a fancy colorway on someone who's going to do his best to scratch it all off anyway? -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck

How does the bonfire play?

Fantastically. It's been my favorite for counterweight for the past couple of months. Really stable, holds spin well, and moves plenty fast. -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck

Steve, do you think there is age a person can reach when it is just not cool to yoyo anymore. I'm not sure if there is really. I'm 32, and I hope to keep throwing for quite a while yet.

I don't know if I'm the best person to ask, considering that I started at 19 (which the average non-player definitely sees as "too old" for that kind of thing) and I'm still throwing at 38, which is well past the age when anything you do can be considered cool, ha ha. -Steve
Liked by: Dean Horneck

Steve, I remember you said once that you never learn other people's tricks, but surely every yoyo player must. For instance, even some of the most innovative tricks require throwing a trapeze or other elements like chopsticks, right?

What I'm saying is that when someone like Palli or Zach drops a new video, or even with the Cabin Tutorials, I look at those tricks and instead of "Man, I want to learn that!" I just look for ideas and inspiration and then make up my own stuff. I watch yoyo players for ideas, not for tricks. I don't learn other players tricks.
By the way...before it was called "chopsticks" it was called "thumb mounts". And guess who created and laid all the groundwork for those? (You're welcome.) -Steve


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