

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Which color is better: a desert sand colored summit or a solid gold summit?

Whichever one you like. -Steve

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How does Andrew not have his own signature throw yet?! It's baffling to me that he doesn't...💭😳

Working on new return tops for Zach, Kurti, and Andrew. It's not a fast process. -Steve

when will the orcas come out?

Bearings have arrived, assembly begins today. Hoping to ship out to retailers within a week. -Steve

What's the difference between the yeti, and the yeti 2.0?

The Yeti 2.0 hasn't been designed yet, but we have some changes that should make it play a bit better, be easier to produce, and maybe even reduce the price. -Steve

What the upcoming drops? Splash orca's and scouts and yeti's?

Splash Orcas / Splash Puffin 2 / Splash Chief.
Yetis aren't part of the regular release schedule, but still hoping to get them out soon. -Steve
Liked by: Shintaro Noda

Don't you fare release the Yeti's next week because I will be gone and I won't have acces to Wifi and I've been waiting 8 months for this so if I miss this because my mom is making me go to a stupid camp I don't want to go to I might kill someone. Thanks bye.


What did you do with all of your shirts from old sponsors when you joined CLYW?

I folded them up and put them in my drawer, same as always. Still wear them, sometimes. Working for CLYW has been fantastic, but it doesn't mean YoYoFactory is now my mortal enemy or something. Still love those guys. -Steve

how big in the game do you have to be to use One Drop's machines?

Probably a better question for @onedropyoyos, since you're talking about their machines. ;) -Steve

im getting my bonfire today!! yay its my first clyw

Awesome! Thanks for your support...hope you love it! -Steve
Liked by: Ethan


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