

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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If you could be a roommate with chansoo or chankai, which one would u prefer?

look, when the variable is jongin i will choose the situation with jongin in it no matter what

Really love your outfit because it's cute! Where do u often but clothes? Especially cute tops?

which outfit! i buy all my clothes at little roadside stalls, boutiques or markets when i go overseas, so all around asia, really. mainly bangkok and china. but i'm a cheapskate so everything i buy is super cheap.

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hmm i think its okay as long as i ignore those bigots! Thanks btw :)

no problem :) i know lots of people studying across australia so if you need to know more about a particular state i'll be more than happy to help.

who is your got7 bias?

i always tell people it's youngjae but i can't explain why jinyoung makes me want to punch a pillow and chew on his hair. also have you seen mark's face

Uhm actually my friend kinda scared me because she's alienated by her friends because she's muslim and she wears hijab :/ it makes me kinda worried even though its education-wise

:c there was a bit of tension following the sydney siege but there will be ignorant bigots everywhere! i knew a lot of people who wore hijabs and there never was much of a problem making friends. again it depends on which state you go to. it wouldn't be that much of a problem in melbourne since there's a sizable muslim population. quite a few halal options too.

hi sorry for bothering u. But i have followed you for a while and realized you graduated from aussey, right? I'm planning to continue my study there so what's ur opinion about Aussey?

uh, australia differs widely from state to state. i studied in melbourne, which is pretty much a mini united nations. most of the people in melbourne city are not locals so it's a mix mash of cultures. plus most unis are concentrated in the city so the city is very youth and student orientated.
sydney's unis are further apart and the city is a bit more businessy and touristy, but their unis are much more... focused? serious?
western australia is much quieter. don't know much about those but from what i see of my friends, all the quiet is great for studying. heh.
education-wise, no worries about australian education :) there's tons of support for international students and if you're from asia, transferring credits is easy.


whaaaaat (>//////<) thank you kind anon-nim ㅠㅠㅠㅠ i hope you have a wonderful week!!!

hi, can i know what head canon means? i saw it in your profile

basically, headcanon is your interpretation of a character :) in the fiction/drama world, it's the ideas of a character that you derive based off the source material, but those ideas may not necessary be explicitly stated. eg. i think that harry potter is the kind of guy who would be a bummer at college parties, but harry has never gone to college.
for rl headcanons, the only thing we know about a star's character is what they choose to show us, so we use what they give us as building blocks and form our own opinions of what they are like. in my case, i think of jongin as a little gamer fluff ball who loves puppies. someone else might think of him as a cold, mean playboy. those are different headcanons.

but please don't delete those fics ;;;;;; i still read it whenever i miss it ;;;;;

i'm not deleting the exo fics! but i'll be deleting the older fics of other groups

just want u to know that you're one of the best authors in this fandom :) love your writing style and good luck for everything! It was a good time to be able to read those fics.

omg T^T thank you so much ;A; people like you are the reason why i'll never regret joining the exo ficdom ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

hi i was wondering if you took prompts?

sorry i no longer write :c paper_scribbles will not be updated anymore except for the tweetfic masterlist. i do have one more thing to complete maybe.

Do you believe in life after death?

my theory of life is that reincarnations exist, but there is no heaven or hell (i was not brought up to believe in a God or a place of sin). there are simply souls that go through many, many lifetimes. when a person dies, his soul enters another body being born. eventually, a soul will exhaust itself and wither away, and a new soul will replace it.
a little of your old lifetime is retained in your new life. this explains why some people are intelligent and wise- because they have the weight of lifetimes of knowledge on their shoulders and have seen it all before. and why some people are unbelievably dumb- it's their first few lifetimes; they're learning, testing out their shoes. it also explains deja vu, people who dream in languages they can't speak, the sudden dislike you feel upon seeing some strangers, and the notion of love at first sight. i have a very long, drawn out theory about this *^*

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How would you explain color to a blind man?

you know how the a child's laughter gives you a different emotion from the rumbling boom of thunder, or how the twinkling of bells on a wind chime brings to mind breezy sunday afternoons? colour is like that. it adds flavour, defines tone.
blue is the trickle of a stream, both through the creek and down your cheeks. green is the smell of freshly cut grass and the first bite into a crisp granny smith. red is the knot in your throat as you listen to your lover sing, and the clench of your fist as your temper flares. yellow is the feel of sun on your skin and the sand between your toes but it can't be confused with the warmth of orange as the fireplace crackles and releases its warmth. purple is the feel of satin slipping past your fingers and the deep chime of a grandfather's clock hitting midnight. and lastly pink is the blush creeping up your neck when someone compliments you and the small curls of contentment in your chest when your mother holds you close. that is colour.

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Liked by: Merran Khal Drogo

Do you worry about your future?

ofc ;~; now is exactly the time when i should be worrying about the future. but i don't worry /too/ much. it'll all turn out okay in the end. we can't predict everything.

what is a pairing you don't ship but like to write?

kaibaek! they're surprisingly easy for me to write even if i'm not too fond of them. in fact, kaibaek is my second most written exo pairing after kailu.

once you have more free time, are u open to reading other fics from outside of fandom? :>

i am! but only fandoms i am vaguely acquainted with so i at least have an idea of who the characters are. (eg. i read sherlock fic; have only watched one episode of sherlock)


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