

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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Haha all hail twitter :D anyway yes I'm doing in engineering in monash. When are you gonna come back? :3

Rhysson Chua
wait you aren't still following that, i hope. my non-fandom twitter is @kaiyourclothes !
coming back for an internship in november, and then back to melbourne for my final year~

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You are a PD/host on a k-variety show. What kind of show do you want to create/do? Who are your guests?

i want to revive x-man! for those new to kpop, xman is a game show where guests are split into team kang hodong vs team yoo jaesuk, and they compete for the final win, but with a twist- one person is the xman aka the spy, who will deliberately mess thing up, and everyone else has to find that spy.

ofc the classic dangyunhaji needs a revival as well! the rules of the game is that you can attack your opponent verbally, as harsh as you like, but the opponent can only agree. if your attack is too harsh and they can't reply, you win. (it's a bit like the "ah, is that so" game exo played on naver linecast!)
i doubt the new generation of idols are witty enough for dangyunhaji tho.
kim jongkook, yoon eunhye, just for old time's sake.
JOON JUNYOUNG. the man is pretty, but witty as heck.
seungri, doojoon, baekhyun. leejoon. 2pm's junsu - shameless idols who won't hesitate to embarrass themselves or someone else.
too lazy to think of anything else.
alternatively, just bring back 2pm's variety shows, but with ... ot...7 T___________T

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Liked by: R A Cindy

Hello friend. Haven't seen you since 2-3 years ago. How have you been?

Rhysson Chua
dude wth how did you find my ask.fm omg hahahahahah.
how are you! you're at monash doing engineering... right?
i'm in melbourne now so it'll be hard to see me :D

What's the most strongest feature of your bias? And the most delicate feature?

jongin is strongest in his passion. he truly loves to dance, and it shows in the way he simply transform on stage. the minute the beat starts, he ducks his head, and when he looks up, his gaze has hardened- he's kai.
jongin is most delicate in his passion. he only loves to dance, and would do anything to dance, even if it meant having the additional baggage of being an idol. you can tell he didn't enjoy all the fake singing, forced smiles and endless schedules in the mama era. you could almost hear him think, why do i have to do this, when all i want to do is dance? i'm glad he's beginning to enjoy himself now tho, or this passion with the unwanted weight will end up burning him up.
Liked by: Cindy

A scene in which your bias gets this: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-YSK1QA2RUM8/T8beFiiD4pI/AAAAAAAACBA/qiCD25NYmv4/s1600/Watermelon+Cake+4+logo.jpg

"a watermelon cake," jongin says, staring at the lopsided cake on the table, peppered with what must be the entire contents of a chocolate chip factory.
"watermelon cake," luhan confirms eagerly. "do you like watermelon? i spent all morning baking this."
jongin pokes at the slice of cake on his plate, shuddering when it wobbles menacingly. "i like watermelon, but i'm not sure watermelon tastes like this."
luhan hums, cutting another slice out to set aside for kyungsoo. "you like watermelon. that's all i needed to know."
jongin knows luhan well enough to know that luhan doesn't just mean cake flavours. he finds out what exactly luhan means that night.
"you're right," luhan says, after he licked his lips and gently tucked jongin back into his boxers, ignoring his little cries of protest about everything being sticky and disgusting, "dick should not taste like watermelon. we'll try the strawberry lube next time."
no points for pointing out the reference \o/

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Liked by: mary Cindy

who would you line up to see at music programs?

first of all, i would never go to music shows. i'd like to draw lines at the extent i would go for fandom, and even though i've done crazy things, i'm not putting myself through that much effort and suffering anymore. waking up at dawn, waiting for long hours, just for five minutes. people would assume that i'd answer exo, but ah... i'm reevaluating my life choices. i'm much happier stanning them from afar because seeing them upclose makes me think about things i don't want to- are we stressing them out? are they exhausted? they're only human, is it right for us to idolize them like this?
sometimes i think about these and it scares me enough that i take a step back.
or maybe i should put it like this. i would go to see bangtan, or any other rookie with a tiny fanbase. if it's not crazy, i would consider.

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What do you dream about?

i have two recurring dreams-
in one, there is a leopard, sometimes a white lion, stalking me. i run, duck into a room, slam the door close, but it smells me, and scratches at the door until splinters flit through the bottom of the door. when i raise my eyes, there is another silhouette of a big cat at the window, eyes glinting bright in the dark,
i had the other just yesterday. a killer is chasing me on the streets and no matter where i run, i can hear him after me, dragging the blade of the bloodied knife along the ground, his breath heavy. once, i dreamed that i was hiding in a car, hunched under the dash, and he's calling for me, peering through the glass to try to spot me.
i am still afraid of alleys.

Could you recommend some ~really nice/famous~ chinese fics? (exclude hostility llol i read that bfor)

i don't really read chinese fics either hahahah
all i read are kailu linked by tlist xD perhaps you should recommend some to me!
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND BABY DON'T CRY http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1557210783
this is also a famous one, 迷途 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1792225421
people have also recommended this to me, but i've never read it http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1413120184
Liked by: tie Rochelle

Who is your bias?

haha anyone who has followed me for more than two days (because two days ago, i started raving about minseok's ass and never stopped) knows who my bias is! because i'm um, pretty vocal about him.
it's kim jongin! puppy child.

hI! Could you rec some Beenzino songs? Thanks! :)

copy pasted from my rec on fuckyeahbeenzino :D
Off Jazzyfact | Life Like:
각자의 새벽(feat. Dok2 & Beatbox DG)

Off P’Skool | Daily Apartment:
Neon City

Off his solo album 24:27
Boogie On & On

Off Hot Clip's mix tape:
Paper Planes Freestyle

Epik High - Rocksteady (because I’m so EH biased)
Verbal Jint - 기름 같은걸 끼얹나 (Feat. 뎁(Deb) & Beenzino)
Supreme Team - 데려가 (feat. Beenzino) (prod. Primary)
Primary - 멀어 (feat. Beenzino)

How many hours a day do you listen to music?

i only listen to music when i do my work, or when i write (or when I shower haha), so maybe 1 or 2 hours a day?

what if you could have jongin?

i would bake him cookies and have snuggle parties as we watch dumb action flicks. i would treasure him like he deserves it, and give him all the space he needs. but if he wants to leave, i would let him go, because i would do anything for a happier jongin.

Aren't you in class? lol

the best part with being obsessed with china is that when the lecturer talks about happenings in china (he's talking about the olympic games and propaganda rn) i can zone out.

top 5 girl crushes?

hyosung, iu, fei, soojung, minah! in no order~
(also sohee, bora, sera, song jieun, gayoon!)

but what do you do things when you don't exo?

i do normal things. i date, i hang out with friends, i go to class, i volunteer, i work. i read books, watch anime, i run, i shop, i cook. there are a million things i can do. exo doesn't own me. i'm not letting fandom control my life anymore.
also i'm multifandom so when i'm not spazzing about exo, i am about beast or suju or bangtan or epik high or just hiphop in general?
Liked by: chiharu

you're a public twitter with a lot of exo fans following you. why do you still bash them? .__.

this is not a 100% fandom twitter, i am not a fanbase, and this is after all, a personal account. why should i self censor?
Liked by: dante

you bash on exo a lot when you're not talking about kai -.-

i also criticize every other group i've ever stanned, but it doesn't mean i don't like them? liking someone doesn't mean blindly ignoring all their flaws. liking someone means knowing their flaws, and learning to accept them. for the most part, i accept that exo doesn't have a strong stage presence, but i can't completely dismiss it either.

You're planning a nice dinner party but could only invite 3 people. Who would you invite?

jongin is the guest of honour, of course. we'll have kris, his handsome boss at the table too. and then we could eat out sehun for dessert.

What's the reason you start shipping members of your favorite kpop group "romantically" with each other?

dbsk's banjun drama dangerous love.
i was young, i was easily influenced, i was exploring the notion of sexuality. i liked yunho, i liked jaejoong, i oddly liked yunho pressing jaejoong against the phone booth, placing his palm over jaejoong's heart.
but i was still cringing at the whole boy on boy thing. it took a while to completely rehash my preformed ideas of what sexuality is (i grew up in a very traditional chinese family), and as i started accepting homosexuality as normal and natural, i moved from shipping het to shipping yaoi. it only seemed like a natural progression of things- i like pretty boy. i get jealous when pretty boy kisses girls. it's marginally better when pretty boy kisses pretty boy #2, because he's not a girl.
of course, i'm perfectly aware of the differences between fantasy and real life.
TLDR; why? because i can. because i like it. because it's fantasy.
i feel like i would offend some people with this reply. should i put a disclaimer: this is my personal opinion; feel free to correct me if i said something offensive.

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