What made you believe in God?

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I was like 7 and randomly started crying when my mom talked about God. Shortly after, I had a dream I saw Him and Heaven. He was too bright to look at, but I saw His feet and they didn't touch the ground. My mom knew I was not aware of the scripture that said his feet didn't touch the ground. There's several other experiences I've had as well.
I don’t necessarily believe in god but I believe in a higher power. I may not know what it is but I know it’s there. What made me think this way is my legal issues. Karma is very real and I deserve what I have coming
He showed me that no matter how kind, good at communicating w| others, or patient you are…. No matter how smart, caring, or compassionate you are…. No matter how much you do for others or try to accommodate them, or cater to their needs…. People will fail you and do you bad in the worse way. I had no choice but to befriend and trust in God.


Language: English