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Covid is fake

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Covid is nothing more then another flu bug. It's not fake but I'm not vaccinated either. Don't ever plan on it either and to top it off no immune system. Apparently I enjoy a challenge.
I will say this if I'm forced to vaccinate or .ask, I have no problem wearing an extra piece of cloth. Bfd..... whaaaa!
Built up to be worse than it actually is; yes. Fake, no. The problem with you conspiracy theory people is you all fail to acknowledge one KEY element in pulling it off; people have to agree to work together and keep the secret. NEVER FUCKING GOING TO HAPPEN! Take any element, activity, event, whatever it is in your life, and start adding just two people at a time. Before you have reached double-digits people are already pissed off and wanting to start their own or do something different, and you people believe ego-driven self-absorbed power hungry individuals can work together to keep a secret. You have a greater chance of Trump and Biden vacationing together wearing matching sweaters and posting selfies on twitter.

Language: English