

Ask @davidgreyson40

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Imagine that there are people 1 inch in size in the future. your boyfriend or girlfriend swallowed one of these. what would you do if he or she told you that he or she had made a skeletal accessory with the bones of the person he or she swallowed?

What? I don't understand

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Did you get a chance to carry around the Animal Cracker Circus Box ??? What part of the Animal Cracker did you eat First - Did you bite the legs off, go straight for the head, the body, the butt or did you "ONE BITE IT" Whole ???

I just throw the whole animal cracker in my mouth

In your HS prom, did you slow dance w your date? How was it?

I didn't go to my prom which I regret cuz I got asked out by my high school crush

What do you like to do at night? 😏

I don't know I guess sleep I don't know what is the accurate answer is?


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