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I stay with my parents and I can't pay their bills right now even though I've helped them in the past, I'm getting kicked out and have nowhere to stay, no friends, no money. What should I do?

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Boss up and get a job. Make a plan and stick to it. You don't need to rely on anyone. It's only you and you gotta look out for #1.
I'd recommend getting a job. Get a job, save your money, then move out. Trust me, it's better than living under another person's rule or dictation. If you need money right away, sell some of your things. It's not easy to let go of things, but you can always by it back in the future. Stand on your feet and stand tall.
Maybe look online to find a roommate if you don’t have any other family that’ll take you in for the time being. I am so sorry you’re going through that, however, and just know it’ll get better somehow, someway ❤️

Language: English