
Ninit Riandita

Ask @dittars

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Plus minus kuliah di korea?

- fasilitas oke
- dikelas ngga berisik
- tiap pertemuan dapet ilmu
- 100000 jempol buat dosen disini
- perpus lengkap
- free mineral water di setiap lantai haha
- TUGAS AKHIR!!! :((((
- presentasi disini ngacolah haha beda bgt sama diindo
- kampusnya mendaki gunung haha
- klo mau ujian perpus 100% full huhu susah dpt tempat
Liked by: Lusi Wulandari

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kuliah di binus jurusan apa? trus s1/s2?

Business. Just guess i take bachelor or master??😂😂

Kakk pake mineral powder apaa ?btw kk cantik banget lho😍😍

Innisfree hehe etttt masa sih. Salah org kali😂😂

Kak boleh tau ga fansite eunhyuk fav kk apaa😁

Wannabe sih terfav. Foto2nya👌😍 dan mereka gakpernah absen buat bikin birthday ads

Kak daily make up rutinenya apa aja

Concealer, eyebrow pencil, mineral powder, lipbalm, liptint😆

Describe perkuliahaan disana dong kak

There's no word to describe korean student in here. They so fckin competitive, study well, study hard, and anything whatever you said they just fcking studying really hard!! In every single day!! Dan perpus disini selalu rame. Klo untuk perkuliahan ya lebih pusing kuliah disini ya. Tugas, presentasi, debate case, quiz, etc. tapi klo enjoy ngejalaninnya santai kokkk, cuma ya pasti ada saatnya stress sedikit hehe

kak ahjuma dikorea kenapa sih?

Lol...ahjuma disini galak. When in subway they just push everything to give her way. and in some case they just so sensitive like hell when we can't speak Korean.

Ceritain dong ka bisa ketemu donghae

Hmmmm....so police hospital held event and the guest star is police unit promotion. Beside thatttt, donghae is a one of police unit promotion member. So i came. And i met him. Done :)

Enak dan gk enak nya tinggal di korea apa ka?

- transportasi gampang
- wether in here was sooo good!!
- wifii dimana mana yeay
- food in here. Oh...my...god!!!
- meet oppars easily (hehe)
- jalanan semua kampus mendaki. Literally mendaki.
- ahjuma.......:((((
- toilet disini gak ada air (ewwh)
But so far so good kok😉
Liked by: Nope

wah pertukaran pelajar? keren kak! congrats yaa emang kaka di Indo kuliah dimana?

Hehe thank you!! Di binus :))

Kak mnding beli iphone 5s atau 6?

Klo ada budget lebih ya mending i6. Kamera lebih bagus. Dan batre juga lebih awet daripada i5s


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