
Ninit Riandita

Ask @dittars

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Ka makasih ya bikin aku lupa sama cerita jarak. Jadinya ketawa geli krn gangguin kakak:))) WKAOWKAOW i cant stop laughing for this:))))

Haha samasama ya dedek yg selalu galau.

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What's your favorite kai fansite?

Hmm hmm mr. Destiny they're so amazing lol and eat you up 19940114com i don't know how rich they are. But they're really really amazing. Mr. Destiny's photos are really awesome thooooo

Describe my personality that is alike with exo members!

Pokonya you are so addicted with baekhyun. BAEKHYUN. and you're so upset when kris left. Forever 변 백현. 영원히 변백현. 조위❤️️백이 hahahahahaha

Kak pap chat/sms sama papanya

Nih udah agak lama tapinya abis jarang smsan sihh biasanya doi nelfon

Kak lagi ngapain? Pap dooong

Lagi sok2 dinner di fj on 7 sm laras. Tuh gelap kannnnn fotonya-.-

I hear that kris exo going out of exo member, that's true?what is your opinion of that news?

Uhmm..here. This rumor maybe 99% true but SM didn't give their personal statement yet. But kris already make a lawsuit to SM/i don't rly know abt this true or not/ my opinion about kris left exo is so unfortunate. Bcs exo is 12. Exo perfect with 12. And kris is exo m's leader. He is a leader. He is a father. BUT if it his own choice and to be exo make his health condition getting worst i let him left. And let him to chase his dream to be actor. And let this problem make exo fans to be mature :)

What helps you to sleep better?

Doing sport(like running, gym, or anything) in the evening i thought. So when my body feel so tired and it make me sleep better.

Iyaaa pap salah tulis kak,kakak udh beli overdose ya?dimana?aku udah beli digasoogalore tap sampe skarang ga dikirim

Iya udah. Di yes24. Lagi proses pengiriman mungkin. Albumnya kan baru rilis tgl 7 kmrn

Nonton EXO concert di korea kak? Waw!!!

I hope so....but it never rly happen. Let's wait exo world tourrrrrr and hope for SS6 too. *pray* o:)


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