

Ask @egasani

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Apa itu delusi?

Delusi itu ketika kamu menganggap sesuatu itu ada atau nyata padahal sebenarnya nggak, misalnya kamu menganggap gebetan kamu itu sudah jadi pacar kamu, atau idolamu adalah milikmu satu-satunya padahal dua-duanya nggak kenal sama kamu. Begitu kira-kira.

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What are the SIMPLE things, your lover did to you that make you happy ? #ShoutoutOfTheDay

I don't have a lover, but I guess I'll just considered him as my lover (lover is someone who makes you feel loved, isn't it? and he is that one for me)
A simple log in to the app, saying hi, doing a 35min talk between his busy schedule, making me once again feel loved by his simple words ?? That makes me hyped up and happy.
(If you don't fangirl/fanboy over anything, you will never know how I feel)

Ceritain tentang first love kalian dong

He was bitter yet sweet kind of guy. He's cute and smelled so nice. He basically didn't give a sh*t to girls or romance eventhough we're in the stage where he should be passionate about it, his only interests were academic achievement and machine/computer. Thanks to him I got into my dream school and I will forever owe him for that. He didn't love me nor he was my boyfriend but he was still the one who pushed me towards my dream, willing to spend his precious study time to be my tutor -UNPAID tutor, to just hear my rants and ramble, to deal with a childish girl that I was. He was strict & harsh hence the bitter term I use to describe him, yet aren't those thing he did for me sweet? Due to his coldness, I never wanted to admit that I love him. After we went our own way and I completely lost him, I realized that he's the first man I actually fell in love with.

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Kegiatan berfaedah di malam minggu adalah.....

I always spend around 5-6hours ironing my family's laundry. Last Saturday I spent exactly 9hours to do a 2-week laundry as I failed to do ironing previous Saturday (due to PMS). Not even done with them all. I'll just add it to the pile for next Saturday ?

Pelajaran apa yg plg kalian suka saat sekolah?

Bahasa Inggris, bahasa Jepang, bahasa Indonesia dan TI. Dua subjek pertama suka biarpun nilai yang didapat biasa-biasa saja dan dua pelajaran terakhir suka karena nilai yang didapat termasuk yang tertinggi di kelas padahal guru dan pelajarannya sama-sama susah HAHAHA


Tears of a man who won't stop dreaming eventhough he's been living it. I love a man who gives his utmost for his life and dream.

What’s the funniest password you have used in the past?

Is this a method to hack people's account?
Either way, I'll just tell past password that I found lame and funny : 123akusayangdia ain't that rhymed?

Punya sahabat yang perasa harus digimanain ?

dwyseptyana’s Profile Photosadjojo
1. disyukuri
2. dijaga ucapan dan perilakunya biar nggak melukai dia
3. dijaga biar awet. sahabat perasa itu menguntungkan.

Who's the person that inspires you to be better?

Park Jimin. One hardworking guy there, the one who won't stop once he starts and even after achieving his dream, one who keeps dreaming on and pursuing, something I've been lacking of my whole life. He inspires me to not only dreaming but also to make it come true.

What does it take to get a woman, however difficult she is to approach, sit opposite me on a dining table?

Wait let me elaborate my answer.
Nice outfit/ appearance (you don't need to be good-looking, just try to look good), a charm, old-man jokes (lame puns because you need to be funny to show that you're open to her) and good manner (because being gentlemen is a plus as woman likes to be treated like a queen). At least it's what would work to me. However, women nowadays are quite easier. They want attention and need to be loved more than before, so- even a simple "Hi, beautiful" could get you a free drink or even dinner. If this what you asked.

Rekomendasikan buku dong, pengen baca buku tapi gak tau buku apa ?

Fiksi? Demian-nya Hermann Hesse dan Dunia Sophie-nya Jostein Gaarder

Iyaa sayang aku nggk bakalan ninggalin kamu !!! Tanggapan mu ?

Angga Setiawan
The cute side of me would run to his hug and bury my face deep to his chest while squealing like a little girl calling him daddy but the uncute side of me would just say "eww- just go leave me alone" to him.

Solusi untuk pemalas

Paksa diri untuk bangkit. Set a limit.
Pemalas itu baik orang yang terlalu menikmati rasa sakit maupun orang yang tidak suka rasa sakit. Maksudku, pemalas itu kan sering tersiksa karena perilakunya sendiri dan sekaligus orang yang nggak mau tersiksa sama sekali, makanya dia milih bersantai-santai sampai nggak melakukan apapun. Jadi ya, dengan memaksa diri bangkit, berdiri dan berlari, seseorang akan berhasil mengatasi rasa malasnya untuk apapun.

Bagaimana perasaan anda saat " Pandangan pertama "?????

Contrary to popular belief, I feel nothing at first sight. I mean, nothing impressive. Nothing strong. But when I choose to stay, the second and on, I got the feeling~ uhuuuu~

non mau curhat nih,kasusnya temen nih critanya.. dia itu ada suka sm temen sekantor, tp dia belum kenal nih critanya.. tp ktanya mreka ber2 sering curi2 pandang.. kmren si cewe tiba2 lgsg datengin si cowok n duduk dsebelahnya,pdahal ms byk tmpt yg kosong.mnurut anon kira2 si cewe itu ...??

isn't it obvious? the girl has a thing for him, no matter what kind of thing it is. I hope there's already a progress as I answered this.

kau bicaralah trlebih dahulu sampai habis ceritamu, klu suda habis baru sy lanjutkan , sy cerita sampai habis jua cerita ku, kalu suda hbis dua dua,,, bamana torang berdua buat sebuah cerita baru bersama

.... it really got me speechless


Language: English