
Eman Mohamed

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Latest answers from Eman Mohamed

What are your hobbies?

Reading , playing video games , listening to music , watching movies & singing

فقلت استغفروا ربكم إنه كان غفارا 💙❤

استغفر الله العظيم

How long does it take for a guy to forget a girl whom he truly loved? She hurt him but so did he and he hurt her first and way more

I think he won't or it will take a long time as he feels regret now not love & regret is much deeper painful feeling. I hope u will come over it soon.

ليه لما فيه علاقة بتنتهي غصب عننا لازم يكون فيه طرف بيحط كل المسؤلية ع الطرف التاني 🙄

عشان ميحسش بتأنيب الضمير

Language: English