@fiezuqa#2 🇲🇾


1) Apa perasaan korang, bila member sendiri merancang nk keluar sesame ((dorang bincang dalam ws grp)) & dia tk ajak korang pun. walaupun korang seen chat dorang .. 2) contoh eh thn ni geng korang nk rancang pakai beg sama kaler (warna light grey) & member korang tak ajk pun, u nk pakai sama warn

Percayalah yang diorang dalam diam diam kutuk awak. Diorang tak suka awak but still jugak kawan. Fake benauuu. Camtu lah life. Sorry terjadi batu api pulak hm. Abaikan je lah diorang ok. ?
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jezsicc’s Profile Photo

Latest answers from Jess

do you have a bantal busuk?

I'm not sure if I can call it bantal busuk because it's not busuk at all 😹 I always will jemur and basuh sarung. But it is my favorite bantal, no doubt. I'll bring it with me if I have to tidur rumah orang lain lolll. (wow manglish sangat)

When do you usually get up in the morning? ☀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Hmm not sure. Its totally random 😆I get up at 5am if I have plans / to go to work. I usually get up while others are still sleeping because I need peace first thing in the morning haha

Space 💙

Yazoon9853’s Profile PhotoYazan
I'm doing me right now
I don't need to be liked
I don't need to be understood
I don't need to be accepted
I don't need to be invited
I'm in my own world

Do you dress up like a homeless at home?

FarzanaAhsan869’s Profile PhotoFarzana Ananya
Well if you consider wearing a big tshirt no bra just pant1es as a homeless style... Then yup, I dress up like a homeless at home 💃🏻

You are the best person i ever met online, can we be more than just friends?

How lucky to live soft and unguarded without the fear of being taken advantage of

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