
Finnair cabin jobs

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Hello, Do I need to attach a full-length photo when I apply online? Thank you.

Hi! A photo is not a mandatory attachment.

hi, if im from other country , can i pass the interview with skype or i have to be in finland

Hi! Unfortunately it is not possible to attend the assessment day remotely. We want to meet every applicant face to face.

Moikka, voinko hakea syksyllä 2019 tapahtuvaan Cabin Crew koulutukseen, vaikka valmistun ylioppilaaksi vasta nyt keväällä 2019?

Hei! Voit hakea sitten kun olet virallisesti valmistunut ylioppilaaksi. Meillä on haku auki vielä kesällä, joten olet silloin tervetullut hakemaan tehtävään.

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Do you have a reach test during assement days? If so, what is the minimum height one needs to reach?

Hi! The minimum height where to reach is 218 cm (without shoes).

Hello. When applying would you recommend attaching a copy of my attestation? Thank you.

Hi! It is not compulsory to attach your attestation. The attestations will be checked in the assessment day.

Hey, I'm not holding EU passport, but with 12 years flying experience, can I still apply Finnair cabin crew job?

Hi! If you have a passport from an EU-country you can proceed in the application process. If you have a passport from a non-EU -country we require a valid residence permit (with no restrictions of employment) to Finland to proceed in the application process.

Do you have to be Finnish to work as cabin crew for Finnair?

Hi! If you have a passport from an EU-country you can proceed in the application process. If you have a passport from a non-EU -country we require a valid residence permit (with no restrictions of employment) to Finland to proceed in the application process.

Hei! Jätin hakemuksen lentoemäntäkoulutukseen noin kuukausi sitten. Osaatko arvioida kauanko menee, ennenkuin minuun otetaan yhteyttä? Tarkastelen sähköpostini joka päivä tuloksetta.

Hei! Haun aikataulu on näkyvillä hakuilmoituksessa. Olemme yhteydessä hakijoihin elokuussa, kun toisen valintakierroksen hakuaika päättyy.
Liked by: Anastasija Ivanova

Hei! Kuinka tarkasti pituuden kriteereistä pidetään kiinni? Täytyykö minun sentilleen olla vähintään 160cm? Entä jos olen 158 cm, joudunko unohtamaan haaveeni lentoemäntänä toimimisesta.

Hei! Finnairilla pituusraja on 160 cm. Jos olet alle 160 cm, sinun tulisi ylettyä kurottamalla 218 cm korkeuteen ilman kenkiä, jotta voisit tulla valituksi. Eri yhtiöillä pituusraja voi olla erilainen.

Hi, can I apply again on your 2nd round recruitment process even if I didn’t pass the videocall interview recently?

Hi! Yes, you can apply again. However it is not possible to attend the assessment day many times in the recruitment process.

Hei! Lentoemännän ammatti on yksi suurimmista unelmistani, mutta asiasta luettuani aloin miettimään, ovatko tatuointini este Finnairille hakemisessa. Onko teillä mahdollista peittää käden tatuoinnit pitkähihaisella työasulla, vai täytyykö tatuoinnit peittää jollakin peiteaineella?

Hei! Löydät tatuointiohjeistuksen täältä: https://company.finnair.com/en/careers/tattoo-guidelines

Hi! I applied for CC position with you earlier this year and I got the job. I couldn't join at that time due to financial reasons. Do I need to go through the entire process again or I can continue with the previous application. Thanks

Hi! You need to apply again to the position since this is a new recruitment process.

Hello I wanted to know if the job is opened to Africans as well with a resident permit residing in Finland. Thank you

Hi! If you have a passport from an EU-country you can proceed in the application process. If you have a passport from a non-EU -country we require a valid residence permit (with no restrictions of employment) to Finland to proceed in the application process.

Good day! Do you accept applications from non-EU residents and non-EU passport holders? Thanks!

CaptKhatiee’s Profile PhotoKhatie Chow
Hi! If you have a passport from an EU-country you can proceed in the application process. If you have a passport from a non-EU -country we require a valid residence permit (with no restrictions of employment) to Finland to proceed in the application process.

Hello ! Is it possible to become a crew member if I am a Russian citizen ? Thanks in advance.

Hi! If you have a passport from an EU-country you can proceed in the application process. If you have a passport from a non-EU -country we require a valid residence permit (with no restrictions of employment) to Finland to proceed in the application process.

Hei! Opiskelen korkeakoulussa toista alaa. Onko mahdollista hakea cabin crew -haussanne, vaikka olenkin opiskelija? Ovatko työt kokoaikaisia, vai onnistuuko opiskelu samalla?

Hei! Näin lukee ilmoituksellamme:
We are primarily looking to hire for permanent full-time and part-time employment. Full-time crew members work about 110 hours in a month. Part-time crew members work part-time during autumn, winter and early spring and full-time during summer 2020, and their working hours vary between 45 and 90 in a month. Part-time employment is suitable for e.g. students.
Otathan huomioon, että jokainen käy läpi kahden kuukauden koulutuksen, jonka jokaiseen opetustuntiin tulee osallistua.

Hey! I was wondering when training will start? There was said that it will be in autumn 2019. But will it start in September or October? Thank you!

Hi! Unfortunately we do not have a confirmed schedule yet, but we will provide more information during the assessment day. There will be several courses starting in autumn.

Which official documents will we have to provide during the recruitment process (eg. reference letters, work certificates, secondary education diploma)? Will we have to provide English translation if the documents are, for example, in German?

Hi! You need to bring work certificates and school diplomas to the assessment day. There is no need for English translation if the documents are in German.
Liked by: Federica Cinelli

Hi. Are candidates with teeth braces considered and accepted for the Cabin Crew position? Most likely braces will be removed in Autumn 2019, once training for Spring 2019 recruits ends.

Hi! Teeth braces are not a problem in the cabin crew recruitment.

Hello! If I don’t pass the video interview do I have to wait and for how long before applying again? Thank you!

Hi! It does not matter when you apply again, however if you get not selected from the assessment day, you cannot apply again in 2019.
Liked by: nah

Hi, I’m thinking to apply for cabin crew in the second round of the selection or the rest in 2019. However, I’m still a university student now and I’ll graduate in March in 2021. Is it too early to apply for it? If I’m not be able to apply this time, will I have an another chance in 2020 or 2021?

Hi! We are primarily looking to hire for permanent full-time and part-time employment. Full-time crew members work about 110 hours in a month. Part-time crew members work part-time during autumn, winter and early spring and full-time during summer 2020, and their working hours vary between 45 and 90 in a month. Part-time employment is suitable for e.g. students.
The training takes 2 months and all lectures are compulsory, so it will require some sacrifices regarding the university studies. Of course you can apply later if you feel that you want to finish your university studies first.

Hello! I wanted to bring into focus an important issues. From what I gathered from other applicants it seems that Finnair has an unwritten rule for cabin crew recruitment, namely nobody about the age of 37, and no Eastern Europeans applicants (which are themselves EU citizens). Discriminatory?

Hi! We at Finnair do not discriminate candidates in the recruitment process. I am sorry that you have gotten a wrong picture. For example, in the previous recruitment, we recruited several persons who were over 50 years old to the cabin crew role.
The following applies to the recruitment in Helsinki base: If you have a passport from an EU-country you can proceed in the application process. If you have a passport from a non-EU -country we require a valid residence permit (with no restrictions of employment) to Finland to proceed in the application process.

Hello , will be there an exam at the end of the 8 weeks training ? If I won’t pass it when can I repeat it ?

Hi! There will be several exams during the training. If you do not pass an exam, you can try once again.

Hei, mitä asioita painotatte videohaastatteluissa? En päässyt jatkoon videohaasttteluissa, joten haluaisin kehittää hakemustani ensi vuoden hakua varten.

Hei! Katsomme videohaastattelussa etenkin vastausten laatua, asiakaspalveluhenkisyyttä ja englannin kielen taitoa.

Hei! Voinko lähettää teille hakemuksen suomen kielellä vai tuleeko se lähettää englanniksi? Kiitokset vastauksesta.

Hei! Voit lähettää hakemuksen joko englanniksi tai suomeksi.


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