
Shelly Martinez

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How long did your longest relationship last? If it’s not your current, why did it end?

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this is definitely a tough one to answer. trigger warnings now, please don't read if you can't handle mentions of sexual assault !!!
if I remember correctly, I had two relationships that lasted more than three or four months. a majority of my other relationships were only a few weeks long and ended when I got uncomfortable with them wanting it to get physical. I can't recall which of these two was the longest, though, nor exactly how long they ended up being.
these two both started well. they were somewhat long distance, with one being a guy in a different school within my district that I saw every few months, while the other lived in a different city in my state and I never met him in person.
the first ended because he threw me a birthday party and assaulted me after everyone left. it wasn't rape, just touching me against my will, so I didn't think it counted and never spoke up about it. a big shouout to my college's required title IX course a few weeks ago for telling me that it was indeed sexual assault ? I couldn't look him in the face anymore after that and broke up with him shortly afterwards using something else as an excuse.
the second ended because he started drifting away from me and cheated. he stopped replying to my messages, I even asked him if he was okay to which he said yes. he invited his ex into his discord server which made me nervous and was openly talking about flirting with another girl in a snapchat groupchat. so I confronted him about it. he said that he thought we had broken up weeks before which was the first I had heard of that! I told him that I was tired of it, that he was a disgusting cheater, and that he should have just told me if he wanted to break up. swiftly ditched the relationship at that point. ??

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uh like a year and some months, and bc i didn’t rly want to b with him in the first place it was jus a hey why not type of thing

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