

Ask @hamahamato

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Just my humble opinion, IMO if you play no mod u can rank up like crazy >_< Is there any reason why u hate no mod?

the amount of choke in my no mod plays was like an endless loop, literally every time, when i nailed the hard part, sooner later miss on the easy part (shitmiss), especially when the map almost end.
and best thing is i didn't know starting from windows 8 you cannot solve the input lag problem other than playing in fullscreen. My laptop come with windows 8 and now i have windows 10 which is basically still the same since microsoft forced vsync on your cursor since from windows 8.
i have been playing with input lag all this time without knowing until last month i accidentally changed to fullscreen and realized that my cursor move a lot faster, like almost instantly, especially when playing AR 10-10.3 with high bpm which can be easily noticed. Which leads to the fact that i can now play HR much better than when i was playing in windowed/borderless mode.
there are few things i'm doing now
>getting used to play in fullscreen
>improve aim <---- been doing this shit for years
>try to change my mouse griping style so that i dont need to reposition my hand like every 20-30 seconds
when everything is stable, i probably be able to play better
p.s. i dont hate no mod , no mod hates me

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what do u think is the ratio of ranked to unranked maps u play? For eg 50%:50%

just recently i started to enjoy playing HR, so i play more ranked map for now
there is a lot hella fun unranked map, where my aim improved by a lot with those distanced jumps, stream and stuff from some unranked map so yeah :v

Would you mind if i clicked "Suka" so you can have 69 Suka? -Beatmasher69-

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Liked by: Ichimatsu

rate yourself please aim ?/10 acc ?/10 speed ?/10 reading ?/10 doubletime ?/10 nomod ?/10 hidden ?/10 hardrock ?/10

My Angel Yui
aim 0.1/10 i'm seriously suck at this
acc 69/10 ......
speed 7/10 not too fast, not too slow
reading 7/10 can read no aim still same
doubletime ?/10 well....
nomod 6/10 depends map
hidden 6.6666666/10 sometimes it is invisible, sometimes i can see everything
hardrock 1/10 ha....
Liked by: My Angel Yui

what is your laptop spec? is there anything you hate about your laptop that interfere your gaming experience ?

Toshiba L850-1015x
cpu: intel core i5 3210m
gpu: AMD radeon hd 7670m
ram: 4GB+4GB DDR3L (8GB total)
hhd: 640GB
screen : 15.6 inch + 2 death pixel << fml
what I hate about my laptop
1.lag issue, all the bloody time, but not quite terrible, spiky spiky lag/hang for 7-10 seconds at least once every 15 minute,this issue only happen in osu i don't know why, other game works perfectly, not really sure what did i done to my laptop, i start experience this problem few month ago, and now just gotten worst
2. this laptop come with 2 death pixel, back then, i went back to the shop where i bought this laptop to complain about those death pixel, guess what ? they told me you we will only change for you if ur screen have 6 death pixel. I am like WTF ? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ seriously toshiba? anyway they are very tiny and hardly visible therefore not a big deal
overall I have no further complain and i love this laptop, after my entire life struggling with pentium 4, I really appreciate this laptop since this is my very first personal laptop/computer and i bought this with my own 2 years pocket money saving, not easy

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(dont answer if too private/anything) was spm hard? which subject is the hardest and which is the easiest?

my year was quite hard compared to previous year, a lot of high thinking skills questions, for me math easiest, but not add math, chemistry are hardest because it's my weakest subject meanwhile moral just blown everyone away ._. 5 years of memorizing definisi and kata kunci non of them come out, all high thinking skills question /.\


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