
Jammer Lea

If Ancient Rome is considered as Italy and Romano's grandfather...who are their parents?Furthermore,other than Egypt and Greece,do the other nations even HAVE parents??

I know this is from ages ago, sorry for missing it previously, but currently there are no answers for these.

Latest answers from Jammer Lea

I've decided to start up a project of my own and I've wondered, what can you tell me about the historical characters America interacted with during the Revolution? Preferably George Washington. Do you know where I can look for strips or more information?

As far as Hetalia goes, there are no specific historical figures that America is shown interacting with during the American Revolution. Washington was only mentioned once in text after a strip: http://www.hetarchive.net/scanlations/xmas2011/kur.php
This page has a strip with a character some have theorized to be Washington, but there's no information confirming whether it is or not: http://www.hetarchive.net/scanlations/xmas2011/2011_12_6.php
That's all I can offer.

it is being constantly mentioned that Romania helped Bulgaria become a country? uhh where does it say this?

I've never heard of that in the series? I can't find anything mentioning that.

Umm.. Why in Hetarchive's website in "Character list" isn't all nations? Like Luxembourg and Portugal...?

Sorry, I haven't had time to update the character list, so it's a bit outdated.

Um, is the halloween 2013/14 event finished?

It is, but I've yet to fully sort the files with everything going on. Sorry if it's confusing;;

I'm an aspiring webcomic artist looking for a site to host my comic. What site is hetarchive hosted on? The format is wonderful and would suit my needs and story. Please reply -aspiring Author-Chan

Hetarchive is mostly handcoded HTML along with a bit of CSS and PHP, so the host has little to do with anything. My roommate set up the design for the scanlations section, so I really don't think any of it will really be of use to you. If you really want to handcode a site, there's plenty of tutorials online. If you're looking for something that is better suited to webcomics that doesn't require buying your own hosting and building a site from scratch, you might want to check out a site like comicgenesis.com or smackjeeves.com
Or if you want to buy your own hosting but not work completely from scratch, WordPress has some webcomic plugins, and ComicPress is specifically for that. I hope this helps.

Did the latest chapter, Hetalia World Stars chapter 54, confirm that Germany is in fact Germania's Son? Or are we still in the unknown?

Sorry for the super late reply... We have conflicting information basically. It seems to be leaning more towards Germany being Germania's son.

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