
Hildegard Steffanie

Ask @hildeesteff

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okay fine then whole grade epiiii

- reko (rey + ciko 4ever)
- milla (malvin + silla M I L L A gooo milla)
- via + hongsun (ga tau , looks cute)
- rayla (raynald + bella i know the 'ray' is from 10th grd but idc ok even though he have no clue who i am hah)
- thedo + lauren (haha, awk bgt gw ngomong ini)
- jabriel (johny + gabriel i know gab is going to kill me for this but honestly)
that's it i guess...i give up

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pair up people that would make good couples in your class

only the people from MY class? damn diz hard, ok i'll try.
- vanshika + satya omg just get together
- venu + sonakshi HAHA when they argue tho>>
- raga + anthony lol just made that up
idk anymore i think it will be easier if it is from the whole grade tbhh

impersonate u & maciko in class

*maths class*
ciko: "eh bikin thankaraji marah yuk"
me: "yuk" *start laughing while inhaling really loud in between to sound like a dying seal"
-thankaraj looks- -we stop-
ciko: "eh kenapa stop!!!"
me: *laugh louder*
thankaraj: "i will send both of u out of the class"
c: *to other* "rambut i warna apa?"
m: *whispers* "hitem!!!"
other: "black"
c: "ah u mah epi diem lah"
m & c: -sings almost is never enough is different pitch while shouting-
others: "guys this is not american idol"
*us taking selfies*
others: "SELFIEEEEE"
c: "iko selfie dong" "nat selfie dong" "gong selfie dong" "hill selfie yuk" -goes on asking the whole class-
m: "quanTiTy"
c: "kita tanya ke ms 'ms, what is the last part sorry i can't hear'"
*attack one another*
m: "udah lah stop"
c: "lu duluan"
m: "belom i belom dpt satu lagi" -attacks-
*writing notes*
m: "pinjem pen pink dong" "pinjem pen ungu dong" "eh yg warna ijo mana" "pinjemin lah pelit lo"
c: "stop taking my stuffs iiiiihhhhh eh you gave that to me"
m: "gak i ambil balik deh"
c: "apaan i ksh u yg itu"
*teacher dictating*
m: "eh cik apaan sih dia ngomong apa? pinjem dong" -rebut buku-
c: "EEEEEEEHHHH ah ngeselin bgt sih" -rebut buku-
teacher: "steffanie and maciko, too much guys too much"
*ciko drops my sketch pens*
*i drop her tip ex*
*she drops my pen*
*i drop her pen*
c: "ah hihihihi"
m: *imitating*
*drop each other's entire bag to the floor*
*teacher shifting our places*
c: "lu sih cerewet"
m: "eh yg bacot siapa ya"
c: "alah lu mah gara2 LO tau gak"
*count times sir juned says 'obesly' in two periods*
*note down words negi says in the class*
c: "HAHAHAHA td dia ngomong apa?"
m: -repeat what he says- HAAHHA
*entire eco period*
c: "berileji 1000000000x"
m: "bisa diem gak mulut lu kuping gw pecah dah"
*all period*
c: "laper"
m: "pasti"
and so many more. but 99.9% of the time is laughing retardedly and arguing with one another. i swear being sitting mates with her is the hardest thing i've ever gone through, i should be receiving an award by now.... tho she's not officially my seat mate anymore since the teacher changed her place but she is too attracted to me ;;;;;;;;;;)

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Lu suka siapa?

lol listen; when you have any interest to another you will have this hope that, that person will like you back. but in my case, i have no hopes for guys x) i swear i have no shame at all sometimes i wonder why haven't i mature up into a lady, i purposely laugh like someone who's having extremely terrible asthma, fighting for oxygen and is going to die in the next 3 seconds because i enjoy doing so. if i was a guy i would stay away from me as far as possible. i will question guys who are actually interested in me because its either he is paid, dared or just giving me the fake impression that i'm actually attractive. so nopes, i have no interest in nobody because that would be just a waste of feelings and thoughts, and making me feel more desperate as i already knew what's going to come HAHA
ps i poured my heart<3 appreciate it

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tbh the indian grls in ur class

im actually quiet close with some of the indian girls in my class as they are really nice. but some are just insanely nyolot its unbelievable-_-

Emang pas sepupu kamu disunat kamu masuk ke ruang operasi? :o

gak ikut aku, cmn kan wktu balik kerumah aku liat mereka xD

Menurut kamu umumnya cowok disunat gak? (Selain muslim)

gak usah lah sakit i see the struggle my cousins went through

Do you have a bro?

nops :((( but i have this one boy cousin in my latest pap who i am so really close with. my parents kinda adopt him as their son too, he calls my parents mami and papi hehe so practically my parents and his parents contribute in his life like fees and all
Liked by: aimee aditya

Di keluarga kmu cowoknya gak disuruh sunat? Ada berapa yang belom? Lol

gak ada lah kan kristen ama katolik! 1 itu necessity, 1 'believe', 1 di dare yang lain males lah kan sakit bangeettt


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