
Hildegard Steffanie

Ask @hildeesteff

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What's the longest you've gone without accessing the internet?

4-5 days i think, when i was in China. how can people live there?!?!

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Name any 3 things that make you smile?

-my parents being happy
-small number on my weighing scale
-cute guys

"I would gladly give you my hair in exchange for yours swear" haha that rhymes. xD

yaaaaay, i should consider writing children poems as a career lol no i cant even speak proper english :")

Do you collect anything? If so, what is it?

pictures of cute guys to view whenever i feel down but they end up making me feel even more depress knowing that they dont know me and im too ugly to have them yaay

At what age did you find out that Santa wasn’t real?

13 aka just now.......santa isn't real?!?!?! :((((((

Epi mmg ga kalah sama bella, bc epi is fit, talented, cantik, hot, and i want your hair

i would gladly give you my hair in exchange for yours swear

Nyawww, makasih karisma cayankk :* *vomits* but you udah kurus banget and way kurus-er than me so be grateful bytchhhh! Love you too.. Eh btw, sour sally is on thursday not wednesday «3

ew no you be grateful--" sowwwyyyyy :3


Language: English