
Hildegard Steffanie

Ask @hildeesteff

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There's this girl in 9B sumpah jelek banget ama gendut nya segede bola. Kok u bisa temenan sih ama dia.

bola kelereng kali ya? serah gw mau temenan ama siapa bukan masalah lo, gak usah stress ciao! + temen gw gk ada yg jelek so idk who you are talking boutt

What makes someone attractive?

when they are smart, kind, humble, funny, silly, fun, loving, respectful, sensitive (not the always angry sensitive!), good-looking :""") ma dream guy

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Photoshop level:100000+. XD

no, thats for real okay. you're just jealous that i got them first before you :)))

What celebrity irritates you the most?

amanda bynes ugh gurl what is wrong with you? i used to idolize u like cray now you've gone cray....get HELPPPP

Shaina gendut kan :(

GENDUT APAAN?!?!?! ADUH STRESS YA GW DENGER KATA SHAINA AMA GENDUT!!!! itu dia udah slim kayak kendall jenner gak ada beda, udah tinggi kayak monas lagi :"(((( gw tuh jealous nya parah banget tau gk sih! dia blg pahanya besar, besar apaan? pas bgt! trus msh mau diet2 aduh capek deh shain lu stop pls lu makan sebakul juga gak bakal gemuk enjoy life donggggg :"""(((( please banget *sujut memohon* *nangis selaut* DONT GO ON ANY WHATEVER FREAKING DIET, CONTROLLING WHATEVER SHIT OKAY YOU'RE NOT FAT ARYAPUTRI!!!!!!!!!!! JDKSNSJSHSSBSHSJJDJSJSJS *pala pecah, darah kayak air mancur, otak terbang*

Do you like or dislike spicy food?

ew i hate spicy shit, it does nothing but burn your freaking tongue like what man

post a pic of u and ur love

here just him, i dont take selfies with him because we're so far away :((( yes its a long distance relationship, imy bby<3
Liked by: Laveeshaa

Who was your idol when you were growing up?

i have lots of idol while i'm growing up, but the longest would be miley cyrus/hannah montana :""") daz ma queeen<3

who do you think have the most beautiful skin ever?

tanya burr :"""( i feel like peeling her off D: wow thats so scary


Language: English