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so my ex has an girlfriend that isn’t to fond of me but he cheated on me with her , today I just got back on social media after a year or two breaking up with him , this is his first time seeing like my “post break up glow up” so he’s all in my dms and I feel like I should tell her but idk

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tell him to leave you alone of you’ll tell his girl, Screenshot it, block him,reach his girl letting her know you cut that shit instantly and want no part of it. If she doesn’t believe you, send the screenshot. Then tell her and him to go fuck themselves, and block them both.
It’s about the code of character more than it is about revenge.
Yes!!! Tell her straight up and say something like “I know you don’t like me and/or trust me but i wanted to show you that your bf is all up in my business again” and show screenshots of proof fs fs or else she prob won’t believe you

Language: English