
That Woman

Ask @icequeenerika

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Do you consider Grace Jones' large bones to have assisted or hindered her glorious hula-hooping?

Hee hee I see what this was meant to do whoever sent it in. They probably helped!

I know it's inappropriate to ask a tans person about their dead name, but how about asking why they chose their current name?

Assuming you mean trans and not a person who is an angle of a triangle, don't. The question isn't offensive in and of itself, and you mean well by it, but don't. Consider that trans people are badgered and subject to people asking us to prove ourselves continually, daily. One "appropriate" question resounds, repeats, is turned into another way we must construct an appropriate narrative for others consumption. Additionally, you don't know where or when or with who that person might be comfortable discussing their transition or identity with. You might out them, or ask them in an unsafe place for them. So to respect trans people: don't ask. Let them tell you if they want to.
But honestly? Most of the time you get a baby names list for your chosen gender and see what you like, the same as any other name. Trans people aren't that magical, there's no occult ritual involving the sacrifice of your old genitals. I kind of wish there was though.

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Some time after The Singularity, if you were laying in a pile of leaves and a single leaf flutters down to rest on your tummy, what do you think The Data would feel like?

Encompassing. Holy. Arousing in that peaceful, holistic way in which everything comes together communally.

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So what got you into Forgotten Realms?

My mom going this has the D&D logo on it and shoving a copy of Elaine Cunningham's Tangled Webs at me. If it wasn't for Liriel's amazing big 90s hair I wouldn't be the same girl today! I was all scared about the different world (since all I'd read was Dragonlance at that point) but she wouldn't give up on "this one looks cool" and I'm so glad she did. I actually hugged her and told her thanks for that right now.

When The Singularity occurs, will you optimise your fingers to protect you from the world or to feel the world more?

To feel. Definitely, absolutely, totally to feel. I always want to feel more. One of my greatest sorrows is that I can't see the entire world before I die. (From a perspective/time angle, ignoring that as a trans person I'd be killed on sight in several countries.)

What's your favorite book (or other written work)?

Asking an English major to answer this question is impossible. I literally can't choose!

After The Singularity, will we retract hair back into our hybrid skin or shed it leaving important fuel and/or data behind?

Ideally we'd all be hairless except for our replaceable scalps. Everyone has pencilled eyebrows and everything else is smooth and pretty.

After The Singularity, will we use our mouths for food still or absorb fuel through our hands or buttocks and use our mouth for analysing or sampling materials, invading the recent privacy of those we kiss by tasting their saliva?

This question scares me. Besides, *my* singularity includes a huge uptick in kissing and sexy stuff, not less.

Aside from WoW, what video games do you play?

A whole bunch! I have a Steam backlog as tall as me. I'm currently working through the official WADs for Doom before I dive into fan WADs. Can't wait to try out Going Down and Scythe and and and Also giving Endless Legend a go, and I'm a huge Baldur's Gate fan. Also JRPGs out my nose.

Aside from Forgotten Realms, what other fantasy or sci fi settings do you like?

I like Star Trek a lot. Charles De Lint's Newford is the best. Eberron is pretty cool in its own right. I enjoyed the new BSG, and I have a soft spot for the terrible grimdark of Warhammer 40K.

After The Singularity, will you were footwear or go barefoot?

If by barefoot you mean I will have cyber-heels implanted to strut sexily at all times, then barefoot.

Rate your dancing skills from 1 (worst) to 10 (best)

1. I am completely uncoordinated and when I try I dance like my skin colour (painfully white)

Would you rather have white hair or no hair?

White hair is really cool. On the other hand no hair is really hot from a totally dehumanized objectified sex slave perspective. Aaaa I can't choose.

What are your favorite types of cookies?

My mom really likes baking so I have had tons and tons of cookies. It might not be exactly my favourite, but I'm giving my shoutout to hermit cookies for being cool and rad.

If you could choose happiness for everyone else in the world, or happiness for yourself while making everyone else less happy, which would you pick?

Honestly? Happiness for myself. I've been hurt and sad for so long, I need to take an opportunity to care about myself.


Language: English