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What attracts you the most about the opposite sex?

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Honestly? Trauma is a big one for me, now hear me out, I mean like they can understand my own trauma, usually are empathetic in my experience. Trauma bonding is a very real thing and it feels more intimate to me to get down into emotions with people. So its honestly very attractive to me as long as it doesn't go to a toxic extent in the relationship.
Other things physical would be: Smiles, Eyes, Neck, Hands, Hair, Nails, Waist, Chest, Arms
Other things non physical would be: Loving, Warm, Caring, Smells good, good hygiene, Can be soft but firm, can be stern but gentle. Nurturing, good at housework so I dont have to do it all alone lmao, sorry someone has to deal with the bathroom, germaphobe coming through. Good with kids, loves animals, good with animals. Affectionate.
Cuteness mainly. If a feminine person has a cute face and a cute personality, I'm not really picky about anything else. Don't care what gender they are or what genitals they have, don't care about the shape or size of their body (though I definitely prefer them short). If they're a bit pervy (or a lot), that's a big bonus though.

Language: English