
Jesse Cian Fawcett

Ask @nAbleMedia

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what fashion trend people wear drive you nuts? for me wearing pants so low your underwear is showing is ugly and i don't like people wearing pants with lots of tears in it on the legs

Joseph Galloway
Ugly designer shit that's either fake or costs six months income for most people. That includes pretty much everything LV. Like, if you want to be a walking billboard, fine, but at least be advertising something interesting or cool.

does anyone watch or play sports? i play badminton for fun and i watch a little bit of baseball hockey and golf. i don't understand football at all

Joseph Galloway
I sometimes watch some freeride and urban downhill cycling. Not really interested in any other sports, though on very rare occasions I might watch a bit of football (aka soccer).

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who here like sushi and who here dislikes it. i'll answer and say i like standard california rolls

Joseph Galloway
I love a lot of sushi, but I only either like or am indifferent to California rolls, depending on how much avocado is in them, because avocado is disgusting. I also hate eggs, so I'm not the biggest fan of tamago, but even so, it's not bad. I'm also not a fan of maguro (regular tuna), Saba (mackerel is really hit and miss, it's either great or bad, no in-between).
My favourites are sake (salmon) nigiri/sashimi, tako (octopus) nigiri, hokigai (surf clam) nigiri, unagi (grilled eel) nigiri/donburi, seared medium rare ahi tuna chirashizushi, kappa maki (cucumber roll), takuan (pickled daikon) maki, futomaki, inarizushi, tobiko (flying fish roe) kinda across between maki and nigiri, ikka (squid) nigiri, dynamite roll (prawn tempura and eel), amaebi (sweet prawn) nigiri, kamaboko (imitation crabmeat) chirashizushi, toro (harakami o-toro and haranaka chu-toro)(fatty tuna belly) nigiri/sashimi, ebi (shrimp) nigiri, kani (crab) nigiri, spider roll (soft-shell crab tempura and cucumber).

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If you could be any age for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

Xx_ILoveIcecream_XxNewAcc’s Profile PhotoXx_ILoveIcecream_XxNewAcc
That's a tough one. I'd probably choose 12, 14, or 16, except that I love beer, and it would suck if I couldn't drink it. So I guess 19 or 21, but I'd really rather go younger than that.

What exactly is autism? I was told by my psychiatrist that I have autism, but years before that a hospital said I talk too much to have autism, so I'm just wondering, what does autism stop you from doing? I know I have it now, but I'm wondering why people judge people that have it, and what it is.

Xx_ILoveIcecream_XxNewAcc’s Profile PhotoXx_ILoveIcecream_XxNewAcc
It's a term for people who have neurodivergent traits across a broad spectrum of categories (talent, perception, communication, social, relationship), thus the longer name, Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD. The specific traits, and their impact on a person's life, can vary greatly from one person to another, and also vary greatly over time, and are much more diverse than the usual stereotypes. So some autistic people are able to appear mostly allistic/neurotypical, except in certain circumstances or on occasions, while others may be significantly disabled and not able to function much without assistance. Historically, functioning labels (high-functioning vs. low-functioning) or Asperger's Syndrome, were used to differentiate between them, but these terms are archaic and inaccurate (and also Hans Asperger was a Nazi who used Asperger's Syndrome as a diagnosis for autistic people who were useful enough to society to be considered worth not exterminating). In fact, most autistic people are sometimes high-functioning and sometimes low-functioning, depending on circumstances, energy, and all sorts of other factors.
Autism doesn't really stop you from doing anything, but autistic people frequently have difficulty with social cues, which can make communication difficult. We also tend to have difficulty with things that are implied, rather than said--we tend to be more straightforward, and say exactly and precisely what we mean. We also have a tendency to info dump when a topic we're interested in comes up, but tend to be fairly quiet at other times, especially when our social batteries are running low. In accordance with stereotypes, we do tend to be very strongly interested in one thing or a few things, but we're typically not savantic, and we can have more than one interest. In my experience at least, autistic people tend to be above-average intelligence, but have difficulty showing that intelligence, causing people to think they're much less intelligent.
I'm self-diagnosed, but I'm about 95% confident in that diagnosis. After talking with some autistic friends, learning about autism, and using some self-diagnostic assessment tools, I realized that it's actually pretty blatantly obvious that I'm very definitely neurodivergent, most likely autistic, and possibly ADHD as well.
IMO, that hospital telling you you talk too much to be autistic is 100% stereotypical bullshit. Some autistic people are absolute motormouths who are completely incapable of ever shutting up.
I'm running out of space here, but I'd be happy to answer more questions about the subject. Just keep in mind that I use the Ask website, not the app, so I can't see direct messages....just ask the question and I'll answer if I see it.

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How many pairs of shoes do you have?

2 pairs of running shoes (one kept clean for indoor workouts
2 pairs of cycling shoes
1 pair of insulated gumboots
2 pairs of down-filled camp booties
2 pairs of slippers plus the old worn-out pair I just replaced
1 pair of dress-ish Dr. Martens
Not sure if any of them are still around, but I might also have:
1 pair of safety boots
1 pair of hiking boots
1 pair of jikka tabi
1 pair of 20-hole Rangers
1 pair of Merrell sport sandals
or my dad might have gotten rid of them during a cleanup, as he did with my winter boots (which were nice Gore-Tex ones I'd had since high school, but were a bit snug on me).

Ever been sent dick pics

I'm not really the sort of person who receives dick pics, they're usually reserved for people who at least look nominally feminine. I did get one once though. It was really nice, and I asked for more, but he never responded. I think he was looking for someone close, and probably also looking for a bottom.

What is something that you dislike and it’s popular in your area or culture?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Going out into the woods to drive around in noisy vehicles and cause large amounts of soil erosion.
I can understand off-road vehicles as a means of transportation in the backcountry, but as recreation in and of itself, it makes no sense. You don't need to go out into the woods to do that, any mudpit will do.

Do you miss anyone who has left the app?

I have some crushes who used to use this site/app but no longer do, but I never actually interacted with them through this site/app. But I interacted with them mainly through Twitter, and since I've more-or-less left Twitter (except for my nsfw account), I do miss them, even though some of them are somewhat problematic.

is there any movies that have bored people? the movie that bored me was the first matrix movie

Joseph Galloway
Sword For Truth. The hero is so overpowered that there's never any tension, never any risk, the battles are all boring AF because he's perfect and infallible and never loses, even for a moment.

do people prefer coke or pepsi. i prefer pepsi

Joseph Galloway
I don't really drink cola any more (except the occasional Zevia or Jones), but when I did, I always found Pepsi to have an unpleasant chemical taste. So definitely Coke. But nowadays, I often find that Coke tastes like it has rum in it.

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Just found out my wife is chatting with people on Grindr. She said its to make friends and didnt know its a sex app. she deleted her account so I cant see the chat history. Should I believe her or is her story too far fetched?

If she's talking to men, definitely just to make gay friends. If she's talking to women, sounds more like she thinks she might be lesbian or bi, but isn't ready to come out to you yet.

Who's your favourite music artist?

A bunch of favourites. Acen, Nostrum, Phuture, Hardfloor, the whole True Love Collective (Chris, Aaron, and Julian Liberator, DAVE the Drummer, and several others), Das Licht, Westbam, Ravers Nature, Misjah, old Infected Mushroom, Psysex, Vagus, Pablo Gargano, David Craig (though mainly just for Lord of the Universe on Eve Records, one of my favourite tracks), Legion of Green Men, Etnica, Xenomorph, Jam & Spoon, Danny Breaks, Guillaume Leroux under his various aliases (Lunatic Asylum, Dr. Macabre, and one other main one), Gavin Chung under his various aliases (Nookie etc), DJ DMS (the Production House one, not the hiphop artist), Floyd Dyce (production/engineering on pretty much every Production House release...all of the Acen, DMS, House Crew stuff, and many more), T.99, 2 Bad Mice, Rebel MC/Cutty Ranks crew, Bizzy B, Ray Keith, Paul Elstak (aka Holy Noise, Euromasters, The Sound of Rotterdam, United Gabbers of Rotterdam, and a multitude of other aliases and collabs), and that's just a few off the top of my head. There are many others whose names I currently can't think of.

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Your best drink ?

Best? I think the Pink Colossal had the best name. But in terms of flavour, I'd say a simple cherry g&t. Chop half a dozen very ripe cherries, muddle them in 2 fingers of gin in a pint glass. Infuse for at least 2 hours, then add ice and fill with tonic water, and stir. Simple, yet incredibly delicious and refreshing.

what you like more, pho or ramen?

I've never actually had ramen other than the instant variety. So, so far I'd have to say pho, but that's based on very little data and a rather unfair comparison. That said, I'm much more a fan of canh chua and udon, and I love both of those equally...really depends on my mood. Udon is simple and mellow, a simple bonito hondashi or suimono broth, while canh chua is complex, robust, dynamic, and spicy, with the tamarind broth, chicken broth, pineapple, tomato, seafood, chili paste, and herbs creating complex layers of flavour.

what is the most revealing outfit you've seen someone wear?

I've seen people wearing outfits that were little more than a few strings tied together, and that utterly failed to conceal *anything*. Genitals and nipples fully exposed. Not that I'd necessarily be complaining.

Are you paranoid?

Kinda, ya. I've seen so many friends betrayed by people they thought they could trust, that I have a hard time trusting anyone beyond a basic level.

Have you ever felt like building connections with most people became harder these days?

Not really, it's always been next-to-impossible for me. I guess it was a little easier in high school, due to constantly being around the same people.
Liked by: Chlstarr

Why do some men say they like women who dress decently, but they follow naked women or models online? They also say women who do porn or similar stuff are losers but they watch porn themselves. Like wtf and why hate

Because they're hypocrites.
Liked by: Chlstarr

do people want tattoos or like them on other people? i don't want any but love them on other people as long as they aren't plastered in them

Joseph Galloway
Pretty much same. I'm mostly indifferent to them. I've seen a few really neat ones I wouldn't mind getting...some traditional Samoan ones, and some vintage Japanese ones, like that one on the girl in Lone Wolf & Cub 2 I think. Other than that, I don't really have any desire to get any myself, but I've seen lots that looked good on other people, as well as plenty that didn't. I'm not generally a fan of the heavily tattooed look--one big tattoo is nice, but not tons of little ones that aren't related to one another.

What is your opinion on the LGBTQ?

Some of us are beautiful, wonderful, amazing, talented people, and some are assholes. I strive to be in the former group, and not in the latter.

Do you have any body piercings? Do you regret any or want more?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I have none, and no desire to get any. One of my old crushes once offered to buy me a Prince Albert, but the closest thing I'd be willing to get pierced to that is the center of the scrotum (which for me is a not-very-sensitive area, with few nerve endings). In any case, I wasn't that interested to begin with, much as I wanted her.

does anyone think that Trudeau fucked up?

Aye. He was elected on a platform of proportional representation. So where the hell's our proportional representation? I mean, I didn't vote for him anyway, but if I had, that would be the only reason.

What mean when girl ask me to take her to strip club she told my just I want to see but I think there’s other reason

75% chance she just wants to watch hot naked women dance without every man in the place trying to turn her straight (which she might be anyway...even if she finds women more attractive than men, she might still have no desire to date or sleep with women).
25% chance she's a sociologist and wants to observe men's behaviour in predominantly male environments.

What's one thing that you very dearly regret?

Karmaah80704’s Profile PhotoKarmaah
Most of my major regrets in life involve either missing or not taking advantage of opportunities to have sex with people back in my early teens or earlier, or not having enough sex with the people I did manage to have sex with, in either case not realizing that after my early teens I would go 34 years (and counting) without getting any. But there are a couple that aren't about sex:
1. I think that going to college right after high school was a big mistake. I should have taken a few years to experience life, and probably grow up a bit, before getting into post-secondary education. But I felt very pressured by the education system to keep up the momentum and get through it all fast, finish school then start working. And I think that's very wrong. And I really regret it, especially since I never finished college, and ended up becoming disabled soon after. I feel like I wasted what could have been the best years of my life.
2. A while back, I got 2 really good cameras (a Canon EOS 5D MkII and a Mamiya RZ67 Pro II), and I wanted to do a huge extended family get-together, rent a few good lenses, and do a big photoshoot with everyone. But my paternal grandfather and his sister, and my maternal grandmother, all passed away before I got the chance to do it, and by then my paternal grandmother was too far gone with dementia to be able to manage it (my grandfather was really all that was keeping her together for their last few years together, and she went rapidly downhill after he passed away). So I never got the chance, and I haven't seen most of my extended family since my grandfather's funeral.

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Night person, or day person. Why are you a night / day person? Most people don’t have a good answer for this

I have a non-24-hour circadian rhythm disorder, so it's really variable. However, I also have the sleep disorder where your brain is most active and alert and productive between 11pm and 3am, even if that happens to be when you're trying to sleep, or in the middle of sleeping. So I trend toward nocturnal, and tend to be nocturnal about 80% of the time. Aside from that, I find that in general I'm more productive when I'm awake at night; the bright sun during the day makes it harder to see my screen.

What do you wear to sleep in at night?

What was left of the Bikini Atoll after US nuclear weapons testing, which coincidentally is also about how much a bikini leaves to the imagination: Nuttin Atoll.

Is it appropriate to wear yoga pants anywhere but the gym?

Ya. Where whatever you want wherever you want, or nothing if you prefer. If someone has a problem with what you're wearing or not wearing, with very few exceptions that's their problem, not yours.
The only exception being if what you're wearing is a well-recognized symbol of hate, bigotry, or violence.

What quality do you find most important in a person for you to date them?

Riax0x’s Profile PhotoRiax0x
Common interests and tastes and values. We don't have to have everything 100% in common, but we should definitely have a lot in common. Music styles we both love, movie genres, food, sociopolitical values, to some extent hobbies.
Specifics in my case: a partner who is really compatible with my should enjoy:
Anime, chanbara, wushu, wuxia, sci-fi, and fantasy movies.
East, southeast, and south Asian foods, as well as seafood (and not a vegetarian), and generally be an adventurous eater who loves food.
Spending long periods of time listening to music of a single genre or closely related genres. Those genres specifically including:
Techno, acid techno, hard techno, gabber
Hard trance, acid trance, tech trance psytrance, trancecore, Rottertrance
Jungle, breakbeat hardcore, dnb
House, acid house, tribal house, NYC house, Chicago house
Gaming, including for long periods of time
And should be:
Non-religious or non-practicing, regardless of their background.
Progressive left, but neither particularly authoritarian (Communist) nor particularly libertarian (Anarchist).
Autistic or otherwise neurodivergent.

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How to know if someone stalks my Instagram?

They'll let you know by liking all your posts. Alternatively, if they talk about stuff you only share on IG, then you'll know they're seeing your posts.

What's your favorite place of dating ?😁

prosaeed2’s Profile Photoprosaeed2
A nice quiet restaurant (preferably Japanese or Thai) or pub, where it's easy to have a conversation, and you don't feel rushed to free up the table. Or sitting on a beach watching the sunset. Or staying in and cuddling and watching anime or listening to music.

What song is stuck in your head

janinebean75’s Profile Photojaniner beaner
Not just one song, but mainly a mix, DJ Dean - Tunnel Trance Force Volume 14 (my fave of the series so far (I've listened to up to volume 23), but with Alien Eye - Found A Cafe popping in there at times too.
https://youtu.be/3s1wGhVhnR4?si=Inub3tA24qhhGzaenAbleMedia’s Video 173392087796 3s1wGhVhnR4nAbleMedia’s Video 173392087796 3s1wGhVhnR4
https://youtu.be/_QeTVEZnBv0?si=oUK8l9RYHAcU_Sh6nAbleMedia’s Video 173392087796 _QeTVEZnBv0nAbleMedia’s Video 173392087796 _QeTVEZnBv0
https://youtu.be/eZmJ2CoJHF0?si=2feabx6687h2osptnAbleMedia’s Video 173392087796 eZmJ2CoJHF0nAbleMedia’s Video 173392087796 eZmJ2CoJHF0
There's another song as well that is sometimes popping into my head, but I can't remember exactly what it is. An old jungle tune, probably from '94.

is this actually people close to you posting?

As far as I know, anyone I actually know who used this site quit years ago. But for the most part I have no idea who any of the people posting are, so for all I know, half of them are family and I'd be none the wiser.
Geographically, there's at least 1 other user from Vancouver Island, and I think possibly even another person from the Sooke area. There are also a few from the lower mainland.

Good tune or good lyrics?

Good tune, generally. Most of the music I listen to is instrumental, or just sampled vocals. The stuff that's actually vocal, lots of it is in languages I don't understand, so even if a song has good lyrics, they're often irrelevant to my enjoyment of it.

what’s your favourite video game?

AirLovesZombies’s Profile Photo~•Ary•~
I have loads of favourites I love equally. In no particular order:
Grim Fandango
Day of the Tentacle (Maniac Mansion 2; never got into the first one)
Baldur's Gate 1&2 (haven't played 3 yet)
Neverwinter Nights
Borderlands 1&2
Monkey Island 1-3 (4 was ok but not great, 5 was a big letdown, but 6 seems very promising...back to the roots of the series)
Quake 1&2
original Doom 1&2 from the 90s
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (currently playing)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Road Blasters
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms (it's an idle clicker, so not much in the way of gameplay, but it's nice spending time with legendary figures of the Forgotten Realms, such as Bruenor Battlehammer, Drizzt Do'urden, Cattie-brie, Wulfgar, Regis, Thibbledorf Pwent, Jarlaxle Baenre, Artemis Entreri (all R.A. Salvatore characters), Jaheira, Imoen, Minsc, Viconia Devir, and Dynaheir from Baldur's Gate, Deekin Scalesinger from Neverwinter Nights, Melf the elf, Elminster, and many, many others. Also, the writing is often hilarious--especially the kobolds.)
Not generally a fan of platformers, but I love:
Legend of Kage

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What are you doing now

Searching an ice lab for PE065: "Chimera" Best Practices, and thinking about bed.

Curved monitors or regular? Which do you use for gaming?

I didn't upgrade my monitor with my new system, so I'm still using my old 23" 1080p flat monitor. It's adequate for my needs, and since I went about $700 over budget on my system, I probably won't upgrade my monitor for a while.

Do you have any hobbies? If so, what kind?

Xx_ILoveIcecream_XxNewAcc’s Profile PhotoXx_ILoveIcecream_XxNewAcc
Gaming, game modding, making feeble attempts at game development; making and performing music; photography; beer tasting; mango tasting; Japanese KitKat tasting. I want to get into metalworking as well, but my disabilities make that difficult. And I used to be into forex daytrading as well, but haven't done it for several years.


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