
♚Queen Fareeda♚

Ask @itsfareeddaa

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I'm not saying she's a bad person, but there are a lot of prettier hijabis at Fraser.

I'll refuse to acknowledge that you're trying to put her down because she doesn't meet your standards of """"pretty"""" so I'll pretend like I fail to see your point
Liked by: Melanie

Why do you call Areeg hijabi goals lol

bc she is?¿? she's really pretty and funny and can pull off any pattern and she's just goALS OK I DONT go around asking you to explAIN WHY YOUR OTP IS YOUR OTP HUH

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Closest friends?

I'm gonna order this properly so I don't forgeT people
Liked by: Naema Hassan

its good i saw your closest friend list before i wrote mine because i was gonna add you but apparently you didnt add me so buh byeeee

Liked by: ena

You and Khadeejah look like a bunch of retards hanging out with grade 9's everyday. Even if u do at least hang out with hot grade 9's, Or Just grow up and hang out with people your own age??

Art thou Clarissa?¿?
But anyways I can't speak for Deejah but I like hanging out with people that make me happy and make me laugh and I could care less if they're in gr9. Like who the hell cares?¿? looks is literally the least of my worries about my friends and if that's what comes to mind then you need to check yourself bc that's heLLA shallow. I have a decent a mouth of friends throughout the grades so what's the big deal about who I spend my lunch with? I can hang out with whoever I want and if you're just some bitter person trying to make your opinion relevant LEMME tell you something: it isn't. High school is already stressful as it is, so don't go around wasting your time trying to start with me that you can't finish and go do your homework honey 

I've liked this guy for 4 years&he doesn't like me back we used to be friends but not anymore so we don't talk but he stares at me all the time&he told me we should be better friends&I said yes but I didn't know what to say to him @ school so I avoided him for a week and I think he's mad at me helpp

just go up and ask him what's wrong and if he's mad at you. Then conversation should spark from there

I like this guy a lot n And I want him to ask me out but uhhhhhgg i don't no I just like him a lot how do I deal with this

woah there girl, you gotta know if he likes you first!! you might like him but you never know if he likes someone else; YA feel?

So I dm'd you already about this but my really close friend and I had a falling out and its had me really depressed lately because I have no idea what to do I fell like I could maybe fix the relationship but I'm stubborn and mad and we haven't talked in almost two months idk what to do

I think you need to build a bridge and get over whatever you're mad at them for. If you both keep waiting for someone to break the silence it's probably not gonna happen. So be the bigger person and come right out and ask if they're gonna let whatever happened ruin your friendship forever. That should do the trick with evoking a reaction and getting yall to at least talk :)

A giy i was talking to for quite a while recentlu just cut me off bc he says i dont care about his feelings. Which is BS bc i do! Idk i feel like its just an excuse.. yet i want to fix it and work on it hc i really like this guy.. should i keep trying or would that just make me seem needy :(?

I think you should give it one last shot and if he still reacts like that then you need to move on and throW HIM OUTTA THE WINDOW

Me and this kid used to call eachother "Babe" "baby" "bae" etc etc. but I don't know what happened that it all stopped. And I haven't talked to him in a couple days. But everytime I do...he is busy or "can't talk" and the worst thing is...he told me he got someone. But still fucking hurt me.

that's sick and twisted. Playing with someone's feelings isn't cool at all. And I think he's tryna cut you off if he's always """too busy""" so I suggest giving him a final piece of your mind then leave it at that so the last thing he hears from you is how you felt and make him see how much of a dick he was
Liked by: Melanie Nabaa ♡


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