
♚Queen Fareeda♚

Ask @itsfareeddaa

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marry , fuck , kill : Harry Styles, Channing Tatum, Brad Pitt

Marry: Harry (so I can have my way with him as much I as I want )
F***: brad Pitt so I can get it over with
Kill: Channing Tatum. If you remember my SWF about him and the nudes theN YEAH YOULL KNOW WHY

hey, my family is really homophobic (like I've never met my uncle because they shunned him from the family when he came out) and I've recently discovered I really like a girl a lot (I'm also a girl) and i don't want to have to keep it a secret thats not fair to her could you give me some advice?

Well I think you should try to make her understand how intense your situation is so she doesn't think you're ashamed of her or whatever. I'm assuming you're still living with your parents so you can't risk getting disowned or anything because you wouldn't be able to support yourself. So I think you should try to get her to see that and just enjoy yourself as much as you can but still keep a balance of not letting your parents find out. Your happiness is what matters most at the end of the day but if it's going to cost you something important like shelter/food/etc then you have to be extra mindful. Unfortunately you have it tougher than most people but if keeping it a secret is the only way to be happy and safe then you kind of have to :/ sorry love

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I have a crush on my brother's best friend...idk where I was going with this but how can I tell if he likes me back

this looks like it's gonna get messy OMG. Um I guess you can start with getting to know him better before you go and do anything bc chances are he probably sees you and his best friend's little sister

Hi ya i was the one about the guy and i like him but idk if he likes me ya me again none of my friends are his friends.

Then it looks like you need to do it the old fashioned way and start hanging out with him to see if he does. Test his reactions by flirting/being playful with him and I'm sure you'll find out sooner or later if he likes you or not

How should I break up with my boyfriend? We barely started dating about 3 weeks ago and he still really likes me but I lost my feelings towards him.

just let him down easy and help him understand that it's nothing to do with him but rather your feelings. In situations like that it's easy for people to believe that they're the reason for stuff like that and that's not a very nice feeling to have ya know so just make sure that's clear

I kinda like this kid who likes me. I don't know if we should go out because I feel like we're dating too early(8th grade) yet I like the thought of dating him

I have a feeling that you don't deeply like this kid and barely know him... But anyways my suggestion is to get to know him better and hold off on the dating. most relationships when you're younger in a waste of time bc it's literally "oh I think you're hot/cute/whatever let's go out" and you don't even talk or whatever with the person after. Like why do you need to add more unnecessary stress to your life?¿?

So I have this boy in my school who is really against gays and almost all of the people at my table are bi lesbian or gay so he always walks over and trashes on them and no matter what I do he won't stop hALP

next time he comes to trash talk them, you stand up and slay him with everything you got. He has no right to be saying mean stuff to them. Throw back whatever he says right into his face and make him regret even having the ability to breATHE

How do I get over someone?

delete them out of your life. Literally. And busy yourself with things that you enjoy and try to get back on track with life and how it was before you met them. Yeah it's gonna be hard and isn't gonna be the same but you can't go on dwelling about the past. Pick up new hobbies, spend more time with friends; just do what ever it takes to get yourself back on your feet

There's this kid who kept grabbing my ass and then my best guy friend hit him in the hallway while no one was around. Only he and I know about it. What should I do because I can't not say anything

I think you should tell a teacher you trust because school should be an environment in which you feel safe and shouldn't have to even think about being harassed like that.

please help, my boyfriend broke up with me like the end of January and now he's dating my best friend..she then realized it cost her a best friend so she started crying and apologizing and said she didn't want to lose me over a boy so I forgave her and then today they're dating again..idk what to do

well the question is how do you feel about it? Do you want her to be unhappy but be loyal to you or do you want to put it in the past and let them be happy? The fact that she did it after she said she regretted it is bad but as a friend you really shouldn't make her come to the decision of choosing or whatever. Yes yall broke up and now she likes him, but as long as he doesn't steal her away from you or anything it really shouldn't affect you. IK it's harsh but that's just my opinion. Relationships are meant to make someone happy and if it's gonna cost come between yall then you both need to sit down and talk about where yall stand in your friendship

how do i tell my mom i cut? she already knows i did it once, but i did it again.

aww love you shouldn't be ruining your perfect skin :(((( but I think you should just come out and say it instead of beating about the bush. The fact that you want to tell her is good but it really shouldn't become a habit. Just explain to her what was going on when you did and I'm sure she'll be understanding


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