
Iulia Alexandra

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>:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< ! Enough ? :o3 Te iubiii-dubii ! :**

iuiuiuiuiuiuiiii si euuu :*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:**
Liked by: Sinziana

- De ce umbli doar la înmormântări şi la nunţi nu?

Ca să plang..imi place foarte mult sa plang..asta fac mereu..nici macar nu am timp sa deschid ochii bine dimineata,ca deja imi curge o lacrima..
Jeeiizas ,alte intrebari aiurea nu exista :))

why can only 2 people fall in love with each other , why cant 4, 5, 6 or 12 people fall in love with each other ? why just a couple not a triple or a quadruple or more ? 

Hmm such a good question...well go ask God why :)) I don't know..maybe because only 2 ppl are made for each other,think a little..when you really, like truly fall in love with someone you love everything about him/her..and you just can't see other people..You see just the person you love the most..


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