
Iulia Alexandra

Ask @iuliadavi

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soooo how areee youuuu toooday :o3? :*

Well <3.. I'm fine ...trying to do my homework ...
"trying" de vreo 2 ore..dar nu conteaza =))
Liked by: Sinziana

haters gonna hate <3 ly buddy :* si sa`ti spun ceva:) nu ii baga in seama ok?:)inviaaaa eee mareeeeee :3

:*:* Love you >:D<
Liked by: Sinziana

careeeeeee seeeeeeeeeeeee iaaaaaaaaaaaaaa deeeeeeeeeeeeee myyyyyyyyyyy foooooooooooood buddyyyyyyyy ?:O :3

No one,chill food buddy <3
hugz Raul :*
Liked by: Sinziana

Hey..scuze daca ma bag aiurea in seama,dar trebuie sa fi o pers destul de importanta pentru lumea asta care se ia de tine degeaba :))

...Sunt o persoană normală..dar atata timp cât ei nu au ce face cu viaţa lor..meh.
Liked by: Sinziana

Ciiiiiiiiiiii faciiiiiii ? :o3 Care sunt animalele tale preferatee ? :o3

Biniiiiii <3..ascult muzica ^.^ Si animălutele mele preferate suuunt : pisicile şi căţeluşii <3..defapt toate animalele :))
Liked by: Sinziana

Wtf?? ce-i cu toti retarzii astia pe aici? Se dau toti mari smecheri ca stiu engleza,cand in realitate se caca pe ei daca ii intrebi"How are you" nu-ti bate capul cu prostia ,cutie.

...I appreciate your support :*
Liked by: Sinziana

..prin raspunsul de mai jos,ai dovedit cata engleza stii,si le-ai dat peste nas celorlalti. You Go girl ! Haters gonna hate .

Huggies >:D<
Liked by: Sinziana

De ce oamenii sunt invidiosi cand cineva e natural ? :3

I don't know..they're all saying:" Oh,come on,you don't know english,you fail at it,stop talking in english" blah blah.until I got bored. I'm so sick and tired on those kind of people..they think they are the center of the world and their oppinion will affect me so much that I'll not be talking in english anymore..But let me say something" Who gives a fuck" Surely I don't :3
Liked by: Sinziana

I hate 'em . Repede se iau de oamenii când în realitate nici măcar nu te cunosc . Get a life , stupid cunts ! You're welcome, beautiful ! <3

Liked by: Sinziana

Nu mai incerca sa vorbesti in engleza.You fail at it. Miserably.

Stop breathing,you fail at it. You know,you're saying all this without even knowing me.We're all good at criticism..Give me a break .
Liked by: Sinziana

You stupid people,you think you know everything?Oh,please?Let's all translate from romanian into english with Google Translate and show how stupid we actually are.Just fuck off,have you ever heard her talking in english?I bet you didn't.So let her alone or I will find each other of you and kill you!

AWW <3 you're so sweet :o3 Thanks for defending me girl,but it's not such a big deal..>:D<
Liked by: Sinziana

Your English is pretty laughable. The way you phrase your sentences sounds really unnatural. You know, (well of course you don't) you can't just translate everything word by word and there you are, you're speaking English. It doesn't work that way.

I know english very well..and I do know I can't translate everything word by word..but calm down I'm in the 9th grade :D However, I'm thankful for your advices.
Liked by: Sinziana


Language: English