
Iulia Alexandra

Ask @iuliadavi

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vreau doar sa iti spun ca esti perfecta asa cum esti, orice om e perfect in felul lui. ai un zambet uimitor, esti un copil minunat , scump si frumos ZAMBESTE :D (poza zambind te rog) :*

awwww cie dragutt :*:*
Liked by: R.R. †Viku†

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=)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ce K.O ma tavalesc pe jos de ras!:D

ma bucur bv bv
Liked by: †Viku†

Ce parere ai despre scandalul dintre Sorana si ceilalti?

Nici o parere. atata timp cat habar nu am cum stau lucrurile si nu stiu exact ce s-a intamplat, de ce as spune ceva? mi se pare stupid..pot spune doar ca ily sorana u pretty and perf that's all :3:3:3:3
Liked by: -A Ana †Viku†

Hey. Your answers popped up on stream and I went through your page and I have to tell you this. It would be so good if every girl was perfect like you. But it's good that they aren't perfect as it wouldn't have made you unique from everyone.

I am crying omfgggg just let me hug you
Liked by: †Viku†

Ce inseamna cand un baiat ii zambeste unei fete?

O vrea la asternut
k glumesc
nuj adica habar nu am, mentalitatea baietilor e diferita de cea a fetelor I DUNNOO OK
Liked by: †Viku†


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