
UBER free rides: ivanv3669ui

Ask @ivanvictorlucas

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Have you witnessed any paranormal acitvities?

Udah 4x liat syaiton ... Yg terakhir 2012 waktu nginep berduaan Diego di vila temen d bali, jd ceritanya kita abis keliling2 Bali trus balik k vila mau mandi, eh tau2 air di vila mati lalu kita berdua ke belakang vila cek rumah kompanya. Pas lg cek2 rumah kompa gw liat ada bayangan item gede lompat ke vila sebelah, trus gw diem2 aja sans pas udh d dalem vila gw baru cerita ahaha
Liked by: Dimas Lucky

Who was the last person you said thank you to?

https://youtu.be/yGS-rgTF3TUivanvictorlucas’s Video 137998014463 yGS-rgTF3TUivanvictorlucas’s Video 137998014463 yGS-rgTF3TU
If I go on
With you by my side
Can it be
The way it was
When we met
Did you forget all about those golden nights?
All of our plans have fallen through
Sometimes a dream, it don't come true

What is your favorite month of the year?

https://youtu.be/EQPcKe0LDdQivanvictorlucas’s Video 138031992319 EQPcKe0LDdQivanvictorlucas’s Video 138031992319 EQPcKe0LDdQ
I hope you get your ball room floor
Your perfect house with rose red doors
I'm the last thing you'd remember
It's been a long lonely December
I wish I'd known that less is more
But I was passed out on the floor
That's the last thing I remember
It's been a long lonely December
miss your face
You're in my head
There's so many things that I should have said
A year of suffering, a lesson learned

If you could have any question answered, what would it be?

https://youtu.be/DM7LroHl51wivanvictorlucas’s Video 138171095039 DM7LroHl51wivanvictorlucas’s Video 138171095039 DM7LroHl51w
You never know where some people will go
Yeah some people been hurtin' me
You can tell by look, by the slightest crook
In the neck or the blink of an eye
Well then we'll see what they say and we'll do what they do
But that doesn't mean a goddamn thing
You can listen if you want, you can listen if you don't
Yeah they love you when they need you
But someday you're gonna need to
Find some other kind of place to go, oh

"i like being lonely, but i hate being alone" any comments ?

Labil ya hidup lo, if you hate being alone just call ur friends and have a lil catch up or go to crowded place like music festival, clubs etc and meet new people... Kalo lo mager just let your body die in loneliness cz no one give a fucks on ur existence

Bang,gue kan lg custom gitar,nah gue bingung nih buat milih pick up nya soalnya biasanya cuma beli gitar langsung aja jd gapaham soal pick up,bridge dll. Ada saran kah? thankyou 🙏

Ini complicated sih, tergantung lo main musik apa?
Jujur aja gw lebih paham sama pickup high gain krn gitar2 gw isi ny EMGX sama Blackout.
Pickup bridge sama neck tuh punya beda fungsi, tp gw pribadi lebih suka pake 1 pick up aja d bridge.Trus kalo lo suka shreding gw saranin pasang yg neck jg krn kalo buat shredding tone pick up neck lebih bulet n defenisi middle sama treble lebih jelas.
Kalo suka yg high gain pake humbucker lebih enak pake yg aktif kaya EMG series atau Seymour Duncan Blackout, kalo punya banyak duit pake pick up Bare knuckle nailbomb aja enak bgt dah clarity dapet, punch dapet, warm apa lagi ... Endeeessss cyinnn 👌🏻
http://youtu.be/X2kvQkpz5sMivanvictorlucas’s Video 138126152703 X2kvQkpz5sMivanvictorlucas’s Video 138126152703 X2kvQkpz5sM

what's your weekend plans?

Hummm my weekend plans?
Tomorrow kayanya bakal ke Art Stage Jakarta, lalu Sabtu ke FX mengunjungi booth teman teman di Troove Market

kak masukin aku ke penjara dong, aku udah bosen sama dunia yg gaadil,kejam dan ganas ini :(

Gw juga mau kalo di masukin penjara kaya di penjara "Bastoy, Norwegia"
Tidak setiap negara maju menerapkan filosofi penjara Amerika yang keras. Contohnya di Penjara Bastoy, sebuah koloni penjara dengan sistem keamanan yang seadanya, terletak di pulau Bastoy, Oslofjord. Di penjara ini, kurang lebih 100 narapidana tinggal di pondok-pondok kecil dan bekerja di pertanian penjara. Selain bisa berjemur di siang hari, disediakan juga fasilitas lapangan tenis, pemancingan, serta menunggang kuda. Selain itu para narapidana juga memegang kunci kamar/kabin masing-masing.
Bahkan di penjara Sollentuna, Swedia di penjaranya ada gym... Makan tidur gratis, dan gym pun tersedia. Kurang apa coba ?


Language: English