
Sam Winchester ☀️

Ask @j2trashh

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Whose more annoying, Yeet or Sagetoriola(misspelled toyota?)?

Yeet is never annoying she’s like a sister to me ♥️ sage is very annoying though

La salud universal instituto de estados unidos es una larga mentira cuando se trata de covid & cerraduras q nunca debe suceder porq daña economias. Los malos ganan.

Que charro nunca eh leído tanta baboseadas

Have you ever went to work or worked out while being tired but still did a good job or are you someone who needs their sleep in order to be productive?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I’ve been to work tired but I kept it professional and did my job lol
Liked by: Merve

Being a weirdo and standing up for what you believe is two different scenarios... yeah of course someone would be a weirdo for telling you to get a job, i can't wait until your parents finally tell you to gtfo out but you would probably harm them then like all the others who are leeches

Being a weirdo and standing up for what you believe is two different scenarios

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Why do people believe the Bible and Quran are the word of God when God didn't write those books? Wasn't it random people that wrote these books?

Idk my friend @solodreamer believes in the Quran and from what I’ve seen she’s a lovely person so it doesn’t matter who wrote the Bible or the Quran
Liked by: •solarscene●

Siento que mi corazón está roto.. qué me aconsejas para olvidar mi pena?

Te aconsejo que Olga a bad bunny in verano sin ti

Food poisoning worst case of food poisoning

I had food poisoning in 2019 from eating at Boston market

you guys dont like rating things, polls & the such? what do you like? what you want to discuss? quit discord & sc, this is the place to be

We can’t have movie nights on here like we could on discord

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