

Ask @jackisawesomeee

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If I were your boyfriend... __________________. Fill in the blank.

TraeTheRebelChild’s Profile PhotoT R A E
If I were your boyfriend.... I would make sure to talk to you everyday, make you smile everyday, make sure everything in your life is okay, make sure that I am there for you and we can take on the world as dynamic duos <3
Liked by: Glen Gleek

Just saying: Anon, Jack is NOT leading a group. Sis came up with some ideas and we all, including Jack, agree to them, but it was our own decision to agree.

tereo335’s Profile Photot
Exactly, and I didn't lead last years one either o.o well, in a way, i kinda did , but still xD

Hi, my name is Rea after you read this there is no stopping now. Later at 1am I will come there and eat your fansigns and poo in the middle of your bed and randomly kiss your feet and replace your clothes with donuts when you wake up there are now ants over your body.

Go away Paul D:
Liked by: rea Paul

What's the reason you're still on the wiki? And I mean specific, not just because of the amazing people. Like a certain event or turning point of sorts. If you don't have one or don't remember it then you can talk about your first gw friend :) unless you wanna be awesome and do both xD

Well, because I have a job. I'm Spam Team and I'm chat Mod. I want to stay cause I'm obsessed with Glee and it's where I find pics, pages and spoilers about the TV Show itself.
Other than the, turning point or certain event that pulls me to stay here further is because I've created new best friends that I don't want to lose, I'm really attached here, Tinychat has recently become addicting, and you become friends with strangers. Also, because yeah, I kinda do like someone, and I wanna know that person more xD (obviously that isn't working too well lmao)
I've also established a long-term friendship with Emma and even if I do leave, that will go around with me cause we FB everyday.
My first Glee Wiki 'Friends' were Rachel and Raven. We all pmed and we were the Unholy Trinity. Raven was a sweet, bitchy kid that inside had a great heart, Rachel was like Brittany, really creative, unique, lost and had funny lines while I was like Quinn, a bit misunderstood, wanted a lot of things and I wasn't really the most liked person.
So yeah o: xD
Although it's kinda ironic cause I'm not gonna be here for the next two weeks > check my blog for more info.

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Brittanafan’s Profile PhotoEmma
I wasted like 8 bucks and my dad chopped my arm off :( Yes you text it and it makes you PAAAY


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