

Ask @jaredunicorn

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tbh Jared I miss you! :( you're hilarious as such a good friend! we always have great conversations and I can talk to you about anything :) you and Liv are goals af and I hope you're having a great summer!

emma brand
I miss you too! Hope you are too thanks 😊

Tbh- Jared I miss you and we haven't talked ever since I left the chat but we gotta hangout sometime with the boys✌🏻️ I love your hair but I love you and Liv more so keep doing you!

Cameron Rennie
thanks buddy I miss you too ❤️
Liked by: Cameron Rennie

Tbh Jared- We haven't talked in a while but you're a super funny guy and a lot of fun to talk to... You're also a great actor and just an all around nice guy! Enjoy your summer man

thanks man you too
Liked by: Alex Ferrington

tbh every time we talk I end up crying from laughter because we always talk about stupid shit:') you're an awesome guy! you have good means so don't stop being yourself bro!



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