

Ask @jasminesteel91

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@Juliapricemusic asks, "What was the worst date of your life?"

okay, so in like 2013, i went to europe with my family and because one direction were usually in london at that time i forced my family to go to london, like 11 year old jasmine was not going to be happy if she didn't go to london, so i get to london to find out my boys are in LA at the time. then i was like hmm, well their wax figures are at maddame tussauds just up the road from us so ill go there, i quickly get on the internet to try and find out prices and stuff and then i see "ONE DIRECTION WAX FIGURES LEAVING FOR SYDNEY IN 10 HOURS" well fuck my life, the reason i went to london. then i told my parents we needed to go and stay in doncaster, so my parents were fully convinced but then they thought about it and just wanted to stay in the city ... i wasn't happy

If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?

nothing because family is family and i love them for who they are

Cool I don't care who r ur best friends ur age

my best friends are all older or younger than me, none are the exact same age as me


Language: English