

If you could rewrite the ending (or any storyline) in a film, show or book, what would you change it to?

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
The Titanic didn't sink. It was all an elaborate deception to escape the horrors of the forthcoming World War 1, and all the passengers and crew set up a secret colony on Greenland, where they still live to this day.
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Latest answers from Jigsaw

Do you like to decorate your electronics (laptop, phone, tablet, etc) with stickers?

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No, I've never done that. I prefer them to look clean and uncluttered. I never even decorated my school exercise books.

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The last time I had Indian was 10 days ago in a Wetherspoons pub in Camden market, and also 4 days before that in a restaurant on the Isle of Wight, and 12 days before that in a restaurant in Leicester.

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Qatari999243’s Profile Photoآل ثاني
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sophiw3’s Profile PhotoSophie
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Qatari999243’s Profile Photoآل ثاني
Money doesn't buy happiness but it does give you options and choices. Most unhappiness stems from a lack of options and choice.

Language: English