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Esok keluar result upsi. Jika dapat patut x sy pegi. Bnde mmg sy yg mohon sbb sy nak.. tapi mcm berat hati lak. Ke cheq je overthinking

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Good luck wey. Kalau kau rasa tu terbaik utk kau, kau go for it je. Kalau tak, ask opinion from your parents. Banyakkan doa, solat hajat & istikharah, minta petunjuk ni ke terbaik utk kau, kalau dipermudahkan urusan, insyaAllah this is the best for you. Good luck wehhhh!
goodluck!!! believe in yourself, you applied for it which means you really want it. Avoid negative thoughts cause it wouldnt help your going further. You might just over think, get enough rest dear, I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow.

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