

Ask @Karamenaya

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Absurd life - motionlessness and stagnation. Commercial recession; abondened markets, neglected clothes upon shelfs at malls and no shoppers. Dead mannequins. Cabs toot and no commuters. Homeless guys and beggars on sidewalks. Impoverished people - the victims of injustice - are not capable of burdens of life. A poor heartbreaking woman carries his baby between her arms and an empty suckle feeder in her hand asking me for money to buy him milk ... The inhabitants of the city are drowned in blackness for elect-outage. A mother has lost her three toddlers burned by candles while they were sleeping ... Life's hovered by #death. Crimes, killings, and thefts are prevailing. A rich elderly woman has been robbed and stabbed to death. A man has killed his beloved wife for no reasons. Dozens of crimes. Are the criminals excused or must they be sentenced to death, who is the convict? ... We are truly dead in life. We are fed up... In this burial ground, when will we live again? [Bad omen] When the mannequin nods ! #Gaza

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Absurd life  motionlessness and stagnation Commercial recession abondened


This is myself in the middle of the photo and my friends are by my both sides, standing upon the summit - the highest spot of the Gaza strip, mainly Al-mentar hill in the north-east side of the city.
This is myself in the middle of the photo and my friends are by my both sides
Liked by: karam Dina Ahmad

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What kills us and what makes us eternal?

We are in the hands of the Lord. Our happines and sadness are fated, there is neither ultimate happiness nor ephermal sadness. He created us on earth to work and seek to sustain, to survive and to win His satisfaction. However He gave us the choice to choose wheter to be happy or sad. We are mortals, our bodies one day will perish and decay, thereb is no symetrical creature on earth, there is no eternal but our spirit. We will die, what remains is our deeds and good reputation. Death is one but has many and differnt reasons as what has been fated to us.

سؤالين في سؤال يعني هلقيت يلي عندو زهايمر عارف أنو معو زهايمر ؟ طيب يلي عندو زهايمر بنسى الله ؟

seaofmad’s Profile Photoإسلامـ
على حد علمي، المصاب بالزهايمر غالباً ينسى ما يضاف ً الى عقله حديثاً من معلومات، فقد ينسى انه اكل او شرب ، ينسى انه سلّم على فلانـ و ربما ينسى انه قد فتح صنبور المياه ، يتركه مفتوحاً ويخرج من الحمام .. نلاحظ المصاب يكرر السؤال اكثر من مرة. و لكن من جهة اخرى يبقى عقله محتفظاًً بمعلوماتٍ قديمة ولديه القدرة على سردها و كأن عقله لم يعد يتسع لمعلومات اضافية ! كجهاز الحاسوب الممتلئ قرصه اذا اضفت له معلومات اضافية ستخرج لك نافذة مفادها " انه لا تةجد مساحة للتخزين " ! فترين شيخاً مصاباً بالزهايمر يروي لك قصصاً حدثت معه في طفولته (ربما تتعحبين من قدرته على الاستذكار) . بل لا يكاد يمل من سردها و قد ينسى انه قام بسردها للتو فيعيدها اكثر من مرة..
اما عن المصاب اذا كان يعلم بحالته ام لا ! فلا اعتقد انه يعلم ! فلا نجد شيخاً يعتذر لتكرار كلامه ، فيقول مثلاً "اسف يا بني ، انه اثر الزهايمر" . ولو كان يدري لما وجدنا عجوزاً سعيداً. غالباً المصابين بالزهايمر اراهم و كأنهم في عالم اخر لا يدركون ما يجري من حولهم، كالطفل تماماً. الطفل لم ينضج عقله بعد ، و المصاب بالزهايمر فقد جزءاً من عقله . ربما يدرك حالته كأمرٍ باطني مجهول ولكن ليس لديه القدرة على ان يقر بذلك !

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